Hearthstone: The 10 Most Exciting Cards in Rastakhan’s Rumble

Hearthstone: The 10 Most Exciting Cards in Rastakhan's Rumble

Having Stealth makes this minion not easy to kill the turn it is played, unless the opponent has a very specific profitable answer. With it alive after 1 turn, you can buff Blessing of Kings and have a 4/8 and 4/4 minion on the field. Not only Blessing of Kings, Spikeridge Steed or the classic combo Equality/Consecration also help Spirit of the Tiger create a great value in stats. All of the above spells have even mana, which means the Even Paladin can use this card as an effective midgame tool.

This is a minion labeled “must kill”, and with it having Stealth your opponent will often have a hard time on the first turn to do so. A very promising card.

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Masked Contenders

A few years ago, Mad Scientist was one of the most powerful cards in Hearthstone. Kripparian once analyzed the value of Mad Scientist to be equivalent to 6 mana: 2 mana for 2/2 stats, 1 mana for drawing a Secret card, and 3 mana for playing it. The Masked Contender may not have reached that power yet, but it is also a potential minion in decks that use a lot of Secrets.

Masked Contender also calls a Secret directly from the deck (better than Mad Scientist), adding 2 health and 1 mana provided a Secret is available on the face (worse than Mad Scientist). This is not a minus point with Secret Hunter, for example, because there are many Secrets that can play turn 2 that the opponent cannot break (or do not want to break).

The tempo that Contenders provides in Secret decks will be not small. The total value of Mask Contender is much more than 3 mana if taking advantage of Battlecry, and using this minion early will create a lot of pressure on the opponent.

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Saronite Taskmaster

In Hearthstone, tempo is an important issue: putting on the table minions that have the same stats but cost less mana than the opponent, deciding to trade minions, and finally punching the opponent in the face with the difference in minions. Saronite Taskmaster has great stats for 1 mana, and this makes it worthy of attention.

Usually you’ll have to return that massive amount of stats the next turns when this minion dies, but there’s always a way to not have to. For example, the Void Ripper can gently kill the 0/3 Taunt minion you give your opponent. By creating more minions to kill, you reduce Corridor Creeper’s mana faster. The cards mentioned above are all being played in Odd Paladin, and this can help Saronite Taskmaster be played in this Aggro deck.

Slower decks might consider playing Taskmaster for the same reason they used to play Zombie Chow. Taskmaster is better for Aggro and not so good for Control than Chow, its potential is also comparable to this Naxxramas minion.

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Daring Fire Eater

Another reason for the strength of a card is its versatility. Fire Eater doesn’t look very impressive, but its effects might not be bad for the mage class in general.

In an Aggro deck, Fire Eater provides a bit of burn, making its stats unimportant. Not too dominant, but a little extra damage is never too much. Surprisingly, it can play a role in Big Spell Mage: on par with Frostbolt but without destabilizing Dragon’s Fury, helping clear the early game. The early game clearing is the key point in the overall plan of Big Spell Mage. If you can only draw this minion at the end of the game, it’s not too bad, because Frost Lich Jaina’s Hero Power at that time will easily kill a minion to summon another 3/6.

This card also has the potential to combine with Spirit of the Dragonhawk, again, clearing the early game without being a spell. It can make it easier for Odd Mage to use Jan’alai (and who doesn’t remember Ragnaros the Firelord?). The above two abilities of using Daring Fire Eater can make the player think again about this card.

Stronger than it looks

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There are a lot of strong cards in Rastakhan’s Rumble, but not all of them are meta-changing candidates. Some are only quietly strong, or much better than the players judge. The reason may be that the effect is not very eye-catching, but is good enough to be played in meta decks – such as Shroom Brewer or Plated Beetle.

There are many more examples of such cards, but here we will discuss the Spellzerker. Comparable to Amani Berserker or Evolved Kobold, two cards that have been played in meta decks based on their basic effects, Spellzerker is a notable choice for some Mage or Rogue decks.

+2 Spell Damage can be very scary, and this effect is built into a minion that has pretty good stats – 2/3 for 2 mana. It can be used for burst damage, clearing the table, or simply as a 2/3 minion played on turn 2. Many similar cards have been and are being played in popularity, and we can expect Spellzerker to deliver as well. such a versatility.

According to PCGAMER

Source link: Hearthstone: The 10 Most Exciting Cards in Rastakhan’s Rumble
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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