Dota 2: Top strongest offlane in meta patch 7.27d

Dota 2: Top offlaner mạnh nhất meta 7.27d

Today, we will talk about the top strongest offlane heroes in the Dota 2 patch today and why they are so popular and successful. Offlane is often the role that requires the most flexibility and it is also the focus of this 7.27d patch. Patch 7.27d Dota 2 has a lot of heroes with completely different gameplay.


Dota 2: Top strongest offlaner meta 7.27d

Venomancer is a name that is not too surprising when it comes to the top of the Dota 2 offlane list. This hero is excellent at putting pressure on the opponent’s lane, possessing a soft control ability in teamfight. In addition, the hero also helps control the map and deals huge damage in teamfights.

From what has been seen in the pro arena as well as in the pub, the article advises pub gamers to dominate the lane in the early game. When Venom reaches level 2, Venomous Gale combined with Poison Sting will make the opponent extremely uncomfortable, especially when the opponent is melee heroes.

Usually Venomancers are not strong enough to push lanes until they have raised a few levels for Plague Ward. But in return, the amount of damage and ability to harass the opponent carry is enough to put pressure on the lane.

According to statistics, Venomancer ranks in the top 5 of heroes picked more than 100 times by pro players in this patch. His pro win rate is close to 57% and that applies to pubs as well. Build a tank for Venom, constantly push the lane and actively participate in teamfight, you will definitely put the opponent under a lot of pressure.


Dota 2: Top strongest offlaner meta 7.27d

The name might come as a surprise to many, but Tidehunter is truly the top tier offlane (at least statistically). This hero is not as popular as Venomancer, but is still picked more than 100 times in professional games and achieves a win rate of about 56%.

While the long cooldown ultimate Ravage is Tidehunter’s obvious weakness, it’s not his only scary thing. With the current Agility cores only focusing on increasing base stats, Anchor Smash is an extremely effective damage reduction tool. It’s also strong for combining supports, especially heroes that were previously de-armored by Gush.

Even without Ravage, Tide still has everything an offlaner needs: rushing into teamfights and bringing more useful information to the team. When there is Ravage, especially when the opponent is not on BKB or is on cooldown, Tidehunter can become the initiator, flip the teamfight or isolate the enemy team. For burst damage to die Tidehunter requires the enemy team to properly build certain items or possess special skills, so targeting Tide first is not feasible. Therefore, the opponent needs to somehow continue to fight after being eaten by Ravage. It’s not impossible, but it’s also extremely difficult. That’s why Tidehunter is considered one of the top strongest Dota 2 offlanes in every patch.


Dota 2: Top strongest offlaner meta 7.27d

Regardless of the current meta or patch, Beastmaster still brings value to the team. Having strong control skills across BKB, combined with his overwhelming ability in lane, and the best scouting tools in Dota 2 have helped Beastmaster become the top tier offlane in both pro and pub arenas.

Hero has a 55% win rate despite having a lower pick rate than Venomancer and slightly better than Tidehunter. The hero is reliable, but his gameplay is so monotonous that it’s boring. Most Beastmaster players upgrade their skills, build items, and play pretty much the same. They will raise the maximum Call of the Wild, to the item aura, continuously push the lane and ready to solo kill to punish the opponent standing in the wrong position without the support of teammates.

Easy said but hard to do, Beastmaster requires a lot of micro skills to be effective, as well as knowledge of match macros, knowing which lane to push and how far to push is enough. If you need to find a micro hero to learn from, Beastmaster is probably the best choice: he’s not as micro-micro as Chen, but not completely pushed out of the meta like Visage.


Three offlanes with three distinctly different roles and gameplay in the game despite being in the same position. That’s why we love Dota because you have so many options to play with. But keep in mind that while these three heroes are statistically better than average, in certain games they can be completely outdone by less-picked and under-successful offlane heroes like Doom and Mars. or Centaurs.

So, you don’t have to follow this guide rigidly to pick and play in pubs. This guide only outlines the qualities that make them dominant in the meta and why they are strong. Hopefully, this article will help new players understand the current patch better. As for experienced players, please share your experience with the article!

According to Dotabuff

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