Dota 2: How to play Death Prophet support

Dota 2: How to play Death Prophet support

Today, the article will talk about Death Prophet position 5 – perhaps one of the most unexpected and underrated support heroes in the current patch.


Death Prophet was one of the most popular heroes of the previous patch. After the hero was buffed in patches 7.24 and 7.25, many pro players began to successfully test the hero. Some teams, including Cyber ​​Legacy, even picked Death Prophet first.

Death Prophet support is not dominant, but is still a topic worth analyzing.


Death prophet 2 - Emergenceingame

The answer is no, the hero doesn’t get a lot of buffs, especially after the last few minor nerfs. However, this hero is still very strong and the important point in this role is that Death Prophet doesn’t really need a lot of investment.

Death Prohet mid usually only matters one thing is survival. As long as the hero is alive, DP can deal massive damage to heroes and turrets in teamfight. Hero has great initiating tools: Spirit Siphone is one of the most powerful healers and damage in the game, especially late in the game.

Now, when switching heroes from core to support, many interesting things have happened. The hero becomes less of a priority for the opposing team, the hero gains less XP and gold, and DP survivability becomes unimportant to the team’s success. The last point is quite interesting, while Death Prophet’s survivability doesn’t matter as much as before, the hero’s damage output is almost the same, while the buff can be higher.


The biggest reason why Death Prophet’s add as a support is higher, compared to mid, is because the hero can safely raise Silence and ignore the Crypt Swarm. Silence has a decent radius of 425, but many people underestimate its duration: 6 seconds at highest level and a cast range of 900. Theoretically, you can silence objects that are far from the screen and With the current amount of mobile heroes in the meta, this skill cannot be underestimated.

It’s also a surprisingly powerful laning tool. The biggest concern of the article when playing this hero as a support is the laning phase, like after reaching level 3, things will turn out to be extremely good. Level 2 for Spirit Siphone allows the hero to play extremely proactively, while also providing a comfortable trade hit. A level into Silence is enough to block attacks from opponents, while Death Prophet’s early game stats are among the best.

Reaching level 6 at 10 minutes is completely possible with the hero and at this point, the damage and survivability of the hero is much higher than other support heroes. What’s more important in pubs is that DP can become a threat when pushing lanes. Unlike Death Prophet mid, the hero can turn on his ultimate at will.


So what does the core Death Prophet need to do? Hero wants to level up items at the right time like Eul’s and start going with the team to push and win objectives, before going back to farming the next item. Up next item is very important for any core hero, because these heroes rely heavily on item and level up time.

It’s the exact opposite of Death Prophet support: the hero doesn’t need to farm and can play around his offlane and position 3 support as soon as he reaches level 6. Basically, as the core, Death Prophet holds the macro tempo of the game. by finding opportunities to attack and catch vulnerable opponents. Meanwhile, the way the support plays can be described as “opening Exorcism Spirits comfortably”.

This is something that is very frustrating when encountering a Death Prohet. Regardless of the hero’s level and item, Death Prophet pushes very quickly, forcing the opponent to work hard to block this active attack from the position 5 support, possibly consuming valuable spells. This creates a lot of opportunities for the team: it can help carry keep farming on the other side of the map or counter attack when they don’t have a lot of resources and skills to use.

This is further improved in 5v5 teamfights. Death Prophet and her silence make me the best support, at least for 6 seconds. The hero can come in, quickly unleash his moves on the opposing team, and die in glory. Spirit Siphone often gives DP more movement speed and survivability to shorten distances and deal damage.

Death prophet - Emergenceingame


The author tested this hero before Headdress was nerfed and more expensive, so it was the starting item. From there, we ascend to Mekansm and Greaves. While this gameplay is worth choosing, it’s not mandatory.

The truth is that like any other support, Death Prophet needs to get the items the team needs most. It can be a Spirit Vessel, a Glimmer Cape, a Force Staff or a regular offlane item, like Pipe of Insight and Guardian Greaves. The biggest defensive aura item that the article really encourages you to call offlaner rush in in some games is the Crimson Guard, because Crimson often uses it to counter the opponent’s push formation and in the support position, Death Prophet doesn’t have enough. Time to catch up with this item.

Eul’s isn’t a bad idea either, especially with Death Prophet. Item that gives you mobility, survivability and is to destroy TP. However, this is a selfish defensive item and not a support’s first casual item.

One of the biggest problems with Death Prophet support is that heroes can kill this support quickly without much effort. When facing unpopular heroes like Zeus and Ancient Appartion, Death Prophet needed to get a few Bracers and change his playstyle.

You can allow yourself to die in teamfight, if the situation calls for it, but don’t give up easily. You must use your ultimate in teamfight to get at least one life, use all Spirit Siphons, several times of Silence and force your opponent to use important spells/items. If you do all of the above and lose to teamfight, then it’s not your fault, at least that’s what the author told himself ^^.


The article really liked the idea of ​​Death Prophet support. After playing in this position, Death Prophet’s win rate in 5.7k MMR averaged 56%, which is not high. After testing 16 games, the article can safely encourage those who are passionate about Death Prophet to try this hero in the support position.

According to dotabuff

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