Dota 2: Top strongest support meta 7.27d

Dota 2: Top strongest support meta 7.27d

Hero in Dota 2 can be strong or weak, depending on the skill of the player. Therefore, blindly copying the meta of professional teams is not necessarily a good idea in pubs, but we can refer to them. Today, the article will highlight the most popular and successful supports from the past tournaments and find out why they are so strong.


Dota 2: Top strongest support in professional arena meta 7.27d

Mirana doesn’t feel like the hero of the 7.27d meta, but the hero is picked quite often by pro players. Mirana is among the most popular supports with a good win rate. Specifically, the average win rate at the highest tier tournaments is close to 60%.

Mirana is well qualified to take down enemies in the laning phase, even though Sacred Arrow is nerfed, its long stun duration when hit still ensures you finish off the opposing hero. Since the offlane cores now play independently, Mirana can also roam around the map and disrupt opponents.

More importantly, Mirana’s ultimate always puts pressure on the opponent. Against teams that know how to coordinate, it does not open many opportunities, because professional teams are definitely ready for any situation. However, preparing items like Dust, Smoke, and Ward for combat means that the entire enemy squad has to sacrifice a fair amount of resources.

In patch 7.27d, when the late game can still be stronger, things are more favorable for Mirana. That doesn’t mean Mirana is too OP, make sure you work with other disablers on your team to get the most out of your control and damage while having Mirana on your team.


Dota 2: Top strongest support in professional arena meta 7.27d

Hero was used in the pro arena over 250 times in this patch, with an impressive win rate of nearly 56%. Vengeful Spirit looks easy to play, the gameplay is monotonous or does not have a big impact on the game. Obviously this hero is nothing to impress us, but in the professional tournament VS is a very reliable pick.

Vengeful Spirit is a very good armor remover, beneficial in teamfight and Roshan. Hero also has a leg lock, but it’s not too strong. VS’s Aura is also very good in certain situations and fine in other situations, not to mention the hero also has an extremely effective team-saving ultimate skill.

There is no secret trick or great knowledge to make you good at VS because this hero has a fixed playstyle of supporting teammates. That’s not to say that heroes don’t have as much of an impact on the game as heroes that require high skill, like Earth Spirit or Dark Willow.

VS’s reach isn’t impressive but every bit is effective, sometimes the whole teamfight is decided by the moment you save your teammates in time and launch a critical disable. The article believes that Vengeful Spirit is one of the best pub heroes at all ranks, especially for new players. While they had to learn the extremely complex macro strategy in patch 7.27, picking a hero that was easy to play and rewarded was the right thing to do.


Dota 2: Top strongest support in professional arena meta 7.27d

The last support on the list with a win rate of over 50% in the pro scene is Ogre Magi. This hero is also a good example to show how the hero in pro is played differently in pub.

You can read more Dota 2: Three support heroes you may be playing in the wrong way to better understand. But in short, sometimes pro arena builds won’t work best in pubs.

When talking about Ogre Magi, the article advises low rank players to focus on Ignite rather than Bloodlust. Pub battles are longer and carries can’t bring out the full effect of Bloodlust level 4 like pro players can. A point is required, but then you should focus on greedy play as it has a more immediate and pronounced teamfight impact.

However, when it comes to why this hero is so good in the professional arena, the answer is simple: effectiveness. Ogre Magi is an effective trader in lane, and increases the farm speed of his teammates. Hero gives good map control and is influential in teamfight even in death, due to Bloodlust having a very long buff time.

If your game plan sticks to the Power Level timing to eat the objectives, then Ogre Magi is an excellent hero. Regardless of the item build and how you choose the skills to maximize, Ogre Magi is still an effective comrade on the battlefield (but remember to hold support 5 to stay away from Midas).


There are still a lot of heroes worth analyzing in the current meta: things are varied and that’s good for Dota 2. Depending on the situation, some heroes will become more effective than what is statistically significant at high ranks. If you are forced to pick first on the first turn of AP mode, pick the three champions above to create safety for the whole squad.

Which support did you have the most success with in the latest patch and which hero do you think you should recommend for new players to practice? Please share with us.

According to dotabuff

You can read more about the first part of the series

Source link: Dota 2: Top strongest support meta 7.27d

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