Among Us: How to complete each task on the map Skeld

Among Us Skeld Map 7 - Emergenceingame

Among Us is one of the hottest games in 2020 with a surprisingly interesting gameplay. The map in Among Us is quite diverse with many different quests. And The Skeld is Among Us maps the most popular. Let’s explore Among Us on this map!

Complete your mission in Among Us

Among Us After two years of release “silence, silence” suddenly became the most popular game in the world thanks to the sharing of famous streamers. It attracts players with the interesting “cat and mouse” style gameplay, with hidden funny antics when playing with friends and strangers in all four directions.

Among Us Split players into 2 different teams: Crewmates – Crew and Team Rogue – Imposters. Players as astronauts have to perform missions on the map and find the impostor before they are destroyed, on the contrary, the fake team needs to quietly destroy the aircraft system, secretly kill the astronaut. and absolutely do not reveal your identity. If the crew votes the killer, you will be disqualified from the spacecraft immediately.

How to do Among Us on the map The Skeld

You need to perform a variety of missions as an astronaut, some of which are quite complex. However, nothing too difficult when you learn it after a few seconds. The following article will give you the way complete a task on the default Skeld map in Among us. You will know exactly what lies ahead and get it all done in the shortest possible time.

How to play Among Us on the Skeld map

Tasks in the Admin room

The work in this room is quite simple. You just need to Swipe Card – Swipe the card. To complete it, drag the lock card from the wallet at the bottom of the screen onto the card reader, and then swipe it over.

Do not swipe the card too quickly or too slowly as the unlock may fail. Practice makes perfect here. You should master this action as soon as possible because this is one of the time-consuming tasks if you have not achieved the correct swipe speed.

Among Us's Admin room tasks

Mission at the cafeteria

This Room Among Us has only 2 tasks:

  1. Download and upload data: Just click on the download button and wait until the process is finished, then go to the Admin room to upload the data.
  2. Dump the trash: Pull down the lever next to the trash can and hold it for a few seconds. Don’t release it too soon or the mission will fail and you have to do it again. Then you need to go to the warehouse to dispose of the trash in the same way.
How to complete a quest on the map Skeld in Among Us

Mission at the contact room

This room also has 2 missions:

1. Download and upload data: Click the download button and wait until the process completes. Go to the Admin room to upload data in the same way.

Transfer data in room Among Us

2. Switch the source to the communication room: You must access the terminal in the electrical room and transfer the power to the communication room by pushing its indicator button upwards. Then go to the communication room and agree to switch the power supply by accessing the terminal and clicking on the fuse in the center of the board.

Switch the power supply to Among Us's electrical rooms

Power source duties

Among Us’s electric room has 3 duties:

first. Download and Upload data: Just click on the download button and wait for the process to complete, then go to the Admin room to upload the data.

2. Electric wire repair: Just pull the wires on the left side to the corresponding color on the right to attach them together. This quest can appear in different rooms, although the process is always the same.

Connect the power cord in Among Us

3. Adjust the power splitter: You need to wait until the dials indicator turns aligned with the right connectors and lights up. When that happens, you have to press the buttons on the right panel to lock them in place. You need to do this 3 times to complete the task. But be careful, if any one fails, you have to start over.

Completion of electrical room tasks in Among Us

Tasks in the engine room

This room has 3 missions, but only 1 of them is different.

first. Adjust the output of the machine: Using the gauge on the right, drag the meter chart to the left so that the center line is aligned with it. When a perfect straight line is created, release the gauge. You need to do this on both locomotives to complete the task.

Among the above engine room was Among Us

2. Switch the source to the above motor: Access the terminal in the electrical room and switch the power to the upper motor by sliding its indicator upwards. Next, go to the engine room above and agree to switch power by accessing the terminal and clicking the fuse in the middle of the board.

3. Switch the source to the lower motor: Same as above, instead of the engine above, you need to switch the power and go to the lower engine room.

MedBay room duties

1. Sample test: Just press the button to start the process and wait 60 seconds for the counter to stop. After that, inspect the board again and click the button corresponding to the sample with a different color from the rest. You don’t need to be here to wait for the counter to finish. You can do something else and come back to it later.

2. Send Scan: Just interact with the scanner to scan yourself. This process is automatic and takes only 10 seconds.

Scan yourself to complete the quest in Among Us

Navigation room missions

first. Draw a chart: You have to drag the spaceship on the screen from the starting point along the dotted lines to the final point.

Draw a chart in Among Us

2. Download & upload data: Just click the download button and wait for the process to complete, then go to the Admin room to upload the data in the same way.

3. Switch the power supply to the navigation room: Access the terminal in the electrical room and switch the power to the navigation room by pushing its indicator upwards. Then, go to the navigation room, agree to switch the source over by accessing the terminal and clicking the switch in the middle of the panel.

4. Stable direction control: Drag the cross icon on the board to the center of the screen.

Stable only the direction in Among Us

Room duties O2

  1. Clean the trash can: Click and drag the lever next to the trash can and hold it for a few seconds. Don’t let it go too soon or the mission will fail. You have to do it again. Then, go to the storage room to empty the garbage in the same way.
  2. Switch the power source to O2: Access the terminal in the electrical room> switch power to O2 by sliding the indicator button upwards. Next, go to room O2 and agree to switch power by accessing the terminal and clicking the fuse in the middle of the board.
  3. Clean the O2 filter: Put all the leaves in the hole on the left. You don’t need to pull them in all directions. You just need to throw them in the hole to finish the quest fast.
Clean up your leaves in Among Us

The mission is in the reactor room

first. Start the reactor: To complete this quest, you must play the game Simon Says, repeat the drawings shown on the left by pressing the buttons in the panel on the right.

Among Us's Mission

2. Unlock Manifold: You must click on the number buttons in ascending order.

Click the number in Among Us

Security department duties

This Room Among Us has only one task of transferring power to the Security room. You do this in the same way as you did in the above tasks.

The Shield room mission

first. Main shield: Just click on all red boxes to complete the mission.

Among Us's Shield room duties

2. Switch the power supply to the Shields room: Go to the terminal in the electrical room, switch the power to the Shields room by sliding its indicator up. Next, go to the Shields room, agree to switch power by clicking on the fuse in the middle of the board in the terminal.

Warehouse duties

You just need to refuel the engine in this room. Go to the storage room to refill the gas tank by pressing the corresponding button, then move to the engine above to refuel the engine in the same way. Repeat this process for the lower engine to complete the task.

Weapons room mission

  1. Delete asteroids: Sit in the gunner’s chair and click on the flying asteroids as they zoom in on the screen to destroy them. Clear 20 planets to complete this task.
  2. Download and upload data: Just click on the download button and wait until the process is finished, then go to the Admin room to upload the data in the same way.
  3. Switch the source to the weapon room: Go to the electrical room, open the terminal and switch the power supply to this room by sliding its corresponding indicator upwards. After that, go to the weapon room and agree to switch the source by accessing the terminal and clicking on the fuse in the middle of the board.

Above are all missions in the map Skeld in Among Us. Hope the article is useful to you.

Source link: Among Us: How to complete each task on the map Skeld

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