What special skills does the new champion Aphelios League of Legends have?

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Not long ago, League of Legends released a new champion with a pretty cool Support skill set, but just a few weeks later NPH Riot Games revealed the next champion, the new champion Aphelios League of Legends and League of Legends. Unique skill set.

According to the latest information from Riot Games, the new champion Aphelios League of Legends owns skills up to 2 numbers, uses 5 different weapons and certainly the gem table for this legendary champion is also massive. equally, promises that Aphelios League of Legends will become the champion with the most diverse and complex errors.

Every one of aphelios, the phone alliance, has some knowledge

The first gunner to own 5 types of weapons in League of Legends

Weapon General Aphelios League of Legends

As mentioned above, the new champion Aphelios League of Legends uses up to 5 items and can be changed alternately after using up “Ammo”, each item possesses different basic attacks and is converted. with the W key.

Every one of aphelios, the phone alliance, has a special ability to know 2

League of Legends Aphelios cannot use 2 main weapons (50 Ammo) at the same time, each bullet after use will be transferred to the next weapon and the weapon that runs out of ammo immediately returns. The last row waits for the ammo to be fully loaded.

Every new aphelios alliance has a 3rd floor plan

League of Legends champion skill Aphelios

For Aphelios League of Legends, players only need to care about 3 shortcuts Q, W and R, in which W is the shortcut to switch between 2 weapons, and Q and R are the 2 main skills of Aphelios.
1. Passive (Explanation of weapons of new champion Aphelios League of Legends).
2. Main Weapon and Remaining Ammo
3. Q skill corresponding to each weapon
4. Secondary Weapon and Ammo
5. The next Main Weapon you can use if you switch.
6. Each weapon’s Moonlight Guide R skill

Every one of aphelios, the phone alliance, has a 4th floor plan

I. Calibrum . Celestial Gun

Every new aphelios alliance has a 5

Calibrum is a long-range attack weapon often used to poke the enemy’s blood, each bullet of Calibrum inserted into the enemy can track the opponent on the map.

Every new aphelios alliance has a 6

– Skill Q Calibrum (Sniper Strike): Fires a projectile in the specified direction, dealing damage and marking the location, tracking that target.

Every year aphelios, the phone alliance, has a secret 7

– Skill R Moonlight Guide Calibrum: When cast, the target hit will still be marked and deal more pain when activated.

II. Severum Blood Gun

Every one of aphelios, the phone alliance, has a special ability to know 8

The Severum Blood Gun has the ability to heal Aphelios for the damage dealt and turn them into a shield to protect himself from attacks, of course taking too much damage will break.

Every year aphelios, the phone alliance, has a secret 9

– Skill Q Severum (Breaking Attack): Increases movement speed, increases fire rate from weapons.

Every one of aphelios, the phone alliance, has a 10

– Severum Moonlight R skill: Increased healing for new champion Aphelios League of Legends.

III. Truong Truong Cannon

Every year aphelios, the phone alliance, has an 11th floor plan

This is a weapon that has the ability to slow and control enemies very well, for those who like to play the new champion Aphelios League of Legends in the support position with full effects.

Every year aphelios, the phone alliance, has a 12th address

– Q Gravitum (Lunar Eclipse) skill: Deals damage and crowd control to stationary enemies if Gravitum slows.

Every year aphelios, the phone alliance, has a knowledge of 13

– Skill R Moonlight Guiding Gravitum: Increases enemy’s slow, attack speed, and movement speed when affected by Gravitum.

IV. Infernum Inferno Gun

Every year aphelios, the phone alliance, has a limit of 14

Infernum Inferno has the ability to deal wide area damage with basic attacks in a cone, Aphelios’ long-range attack weapon.

Every new aphelios alliance has a 15

– Skill Q Infernum (Fire Wave): Spews fire at a position in front of or at a designated point, dealing damage to enemies hit, has a community ability, higher damage if the target is hit multiple times.

Every one of aphelios, the phone alliance, has a limit of 16

– Infernum Moonlight R skill: Moonlight’s follow-up attack now damages the target with rings of fire instead of the original cone attack.

V. Ascension Wheel Crescendum

Every one of aphelios, the phone alliance, has a special knowledge of 17

Ascension Wheel Crescendum is the only melee weapon of new champion Aphelios League of Legends, Aphelios throws the boomerang Crescendum away and when it comes back in hand, Crescendum attack speed and attack are calculated based on the distance the boomerang flew.

Every one of aphelios, the phone alliance, has a limit of 18

– Q skill Crescendum (Watchtower): Deals damage in a designated line to the nearest enemy with a secondary weapon.

Every year aphelios, the phone alliance, has a limit of 19

– Crescendum Moonlight R skill: Has the ability to increase the damage of attacks with Crescendum weapons.

It will take a lot of time for players to get used to the use of weapons and skills of the new champion Aphelios League of Legends, a huge challenge for players, surely anyone who is proficient in Aphelios can be called. that’s a master. Have a lot of equip strong League of Legends URF After updating to the new version, new game mode, please refer to it to become a master.

Related keywords:

Aphelios Alliance of Phones

, Aphelios League of Legends, skill Aphelios LOL,

Source link: What special skills does the new champion Aphelios League of Legends have?
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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