Turn off the message sound when group chat on Facebook

13096 - Emergenceingame

Turning off the message sound when group chat on Facebook is an effective way to help users avoid some unnecessary trouble when using Facebook for group chat and chat with friends and relatives.

The group chat sounds on Facebook, other than on Skype, download Zalo or Viber because they are always very annoying, making many people feel uncomfortable, and want to turn off the group chat sound on Facebook after entering Facebook to only receive messages without must hear the sound.

sound in chat on facebook

In addition to the solution of turning off the sound of Facebook messages, users can completely choose other alternatives after entering Facebook such as Facebook video calls on phones or Messenger group calls, such solutions will help minimize having to text and being bothered by the sound of group chat messages on Facebook.

Turn off the message sound when group chat on Facebook

To turn off the message sound when group chat on Facebook, you can do it on Facebook (web version), Facebook Messenger (web version) and Facebook Messenger for Android and iOS.

* Turn off message sound when group chat on Facebook (web version)

Step 1: In the chat post and group chat on Facebook, you click on the icon Settings (Settings) > Click to select item Mute Conversation…(Mute the conversation…

I have a message when chatting on facebook

Step 2: Facebook will ask how long you want to turn off the message sound when chatting on Facebook. There are three landmarks included For 1 hour (About 1 hour), Until 8 AM (Until 8am) and Until you turn it back on (Until you turn it back on). Depending on your needs, click on the three options above.

Step 3: Press Mute (Mute) to mute the message sound when group chat on Facebook.

I have a message on facebook

To turn on the message sound when the group chat returns, you just need to repeat the above operations and select Unmute Conversation…(Unmute conversation).

* Turn off message sound when group chat on Facebook Messenger (web version)

Step 1: After logging in to Facebook Messenger web version, click on any chat group that you want to turn off the message sound when group chat on Facebook Messenger.

I have a chat bar on facebook

Click select Settings (Settings) in the left corner of the screen.

I am on facebook chat

Step 2: In the Soundyou click on the option On and switch to Off to turn off the message sound when group chat on Facebook Messenger.

* Turn off message sound when group chat on Facebook Messenger for Android, iPhone.

Step 1: In the Facebook Messenger for Android interface, click on the user icon (the new version is in the top right corner, next to the user search and on the old version is in the lower right corner of the people and group search).

Step 2: In the Facebook Messenger settings interface, click on the item Notification and Sound (Notifications and sounds).

how to chat on facebook chat bar

Here, you push the button to switch items Sound, Audio in the app or button Notifications and sounds at the top left to turn off the Facebook group chat sound.

Turning off the Facebook group chat sound helps you stay away from any annoying sounds that ruin the experience when chatting on Facebook with friends and family. Of course you should only apply mute when create group chat on Facebook when you don’t want to hear those spam sounds anymore, because mute also means you will have a hard time updating the message.

For some users, logging into Facebook on a computer will be easier to customize the function of turning off the group chat sound on Facebook than having to turn off the notification sound through the chat and messaging application Facebook Messenger for Android and Facebook. Facebook Messenger for iPhone, of course you still need to log in to Facebook and link to Messenger to chat

As I said at the beginning, if possible, users should make Facebook video calls on their phones or use the call Messenger group to connect with friends instead of having to participate in annoying chats and messaging due to spam group chat sounds on Facebook.

Good luck!

Related keywords:

I have a message when chatting on facebook

we are on facebook, we are in chat on facebook,

Source link: Turn off the message sound when group chat on Facebook
– Emergenceingames.com

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