Top strongest lineup in Teamfight Tactics – TFT 3

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The Alliance Dignity Flag aka Tactics Season 3: Infinite Galactic brings new changes with patch 10.10. In this version, there will be many changes in the strength of generals, equipment as well as clan systems in the game. Therefore, it will affect the lineups, let’s join to find out the top strongest squad Teamfight Tactics – TFT 3, most used to climb rank and rank.

Truth Arena always updated regularly, along with changes in the increase/decrease in strength of generals, races/types and equipment. And the latest version of the game is no exception. The following article will introduce the strongest squads in TFT season 3 that gamers can use to effectively rank up.

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Top strongest squad in the arena of truth season 3

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Top 10 strongest squads to climb rank in TFT 3

1. Fighter – Gunner lineup (Brawler – Blaster)

The Gladiator – Gunner lineup revolves around the Gunners’ ability to deal huge damage, even with only 2 Gunner generals in battle. 4 Gunners will fight hard in the middle of the game, but late game you can also use a combination of Lulu/Sona or Gangplank/Ziggs of Rebel and Demolitionist/Mystic systems. This is considered the comprehensive defensive lineup of season 3.

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Team building time:

When you find many bows and swords, you can build items for the Gunner to carry the team. If you start the game with a lot of Gladiators, you can take better care of your Gunner carry squad.

2. Time Space Kayle (Chrono Kayle) lineup

This squad uses Spacetime and Holy Maiden to buff Kayle to carry the team. This squad is quite flexible and can use many champions before building the final squad. Early in the game, any champion you find is good enough to handle the early game. Shen and Kai’Sa are ideal, but try using any champion you find. In the middle of the game, you need to find Kayle to start getting the Saintess buff, but if not, you can use 4 Spacetime or any champion to carry the team like Lucian.

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Team building time

When do you find Kayle or more Spacetime and Swordsman early.

3. Squad Pilot – Infiltrator (Mech Pilot – Infiltrator)

This is a Slow Roll formation, which means you always need to save over 50 gold and only use the profit gold to roll each round. You need to have at least one 3-star champion before you can level 7. It’s important in this squad that you shouldn’t raise any champions other than Kha’Zix, but don’t give up if you can raise 1 – 2 gold to 2 stars at the beginning of the game. In the middle of the game, if you find Fizz, you will be able to get a powerful squad without spending money, so look for this champion. If not, raise Kai’Sa twice during this time.

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Team building time:

Although you have to spend a relatively large amount of money on these champions, Annie and Kai’Sa should be the first champions you need to look for at the beginning of the game. If you find many pairs of Annie or Kai’Sa, think about this lineup.

4. Jhin and friends lineup (Jhin and Friends)

This lineup uses 4 Vanguards as a solid counterweight to build a damage-heavy squad, and uses Jhin and Ashe as the main damage champions in the back row to slowly take down enemies. . With 4 Vanguards and the Cosmic buff, Jhin will destroy enemies before they can kill your team. At the beginning of the game, you just need to find 2 Vanguards in the front row to support Jhin. In the middle of the game, it’s ideal to have Jhin now, but if you don’t have one, you can use Caitlyn temporarily until you find Jhin. 4 Pioneers will create a powerful front line. Then find a way to add any strong champions you can at level 7.

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Team building time:

If you can find Jhin early or are finding key champions naturally, build this lineup. Having the right items for Jhin is also the key to success.

5. Candy Land lineup

This squad must use Hyper Roll to find 3-star champions in the early game and gradually switch to 6 Wizards after winning early and mid-game.


Team building time:

Let’s build this squad if you soon find the main and financially solid champions to Hyper Roll after Krugs. Item is quite versatile as you can use many base items, so finding enough champions should be your first priority.

6. Dark Stars

Dark Star is a strong squad, in which Jhin, Shaco or Xerath can become the main carry, but less consistent than other lineups in the current meta. This squad uses Dark Star’s passive to strengthen Jhin and Shaco, so they can “1 shot 1 kill”. Other champions like Lux or Xerath can also give the team good back row DPS. In the early game, Jarvan and Mordekaiser form a solid defence, while Caitlyn provides excellent early game damage. In the middle of the game, you just need to try to switch to 6 Dark Stars. If you can’t find all 6 Dark Stars, use other champions like Guardian or Vanguard to fill the gap.

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Team building time:

Try to find more Dark Stars or find Jhin soon. With less gold income, building this squad will not be easy. You need a sufficient amount of BF for Angel Armor and critical damage items.

7. Super Tech (Cybernetic) lineup

Super Tech champions gain increased health and great damage when holding at least one item. With 6 Super Tech, the amount of health and damage will start to increase significantly. At the beginning of the game, it is important to equip the generals with items, especially Lucian. In the middle of the game, just try and create as many synergies as possible like adding a Vanguard and a Swordsman while waiting for Ekko to appear.


Team building time:

If you find Super Tech or Irelia champions early. Also, don’t forget to look for Bows and BF Swords while building this squad.

8. Rebels

Rebellion is a strong lineup throughout the game as it uses Master Yi or Yasuo as the main carry until Aurelion Sol shows up. Getting to level 8 quickly is important for this squad as the late game team will drown without Aurelion Sol. In the early game, you mainly need to find 2 strong champions, but Rebel is ideal. In the middle of the game, you can launch all 6 Rebels or 4/5 champions with a Swordsman depending on the character you find.

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Team building time:

This squad can be built quite easily as the items are very versatile, but make sure you have solid finances while finding your key champions.

9. 9 Bombs (9 Bombs) Lineup

The squad uses Hyper Roll at the beginning of the game to find the two main generals, Ziggs and Malphite. With an early winning streak, this squad can easily reach level 8 to find key champions like Jinx, Gangplank and Aurelion Sol. At the beginning of the game, you only need 3 main Rebel generals, any champion will do. Rumble will be a good pawn for Gangplank and give you an early Breakout buff. At level 6 you only need 6 Rebels and at level 7, you need to add Rumble or Gunner to Jhin.

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Team building time:

Think of this formation when you get a lot of Tear and find a lot of Ziggs and Malphite in the early game. The Angel’s Staff plays an important role for Ziggs.

10. Space Jam lineup

This lineup uses strong early game champions like Darius and Graves to get off to a strong start and slowly transition to Slow Roll. Since this is a Slow Roll squad, you may not want to build it if other players are holding a lot of the champions you have on the team. At the beginning of the game, ideally have 2 Guardians and 2 Airmen. By the time you hit level 6, you should have some 3 star champions. You can add Kassadin for 4 Universes or Jhin for extra damage, depending on what you need.

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Team building time:

Deploy this squad if you have enough key generals in the team and possess a large number of defensive items. Also, scout around to see if anyone else is playing key players like you. Tactics – TFT-3-58609n.aspx
In addition, you can refer to How to pair new equipment in the Arena of Truth season 3 latest here.

Related keywords:

Teamfight Tactics – TFT buy 3

, the strongest squad in the Arena of Truth season 3, the top strongest Teamfight Tactics squad,

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