The strongest offlanes in the meta right now

The strongest offlanes in the meta right now

After each patch, offlane gets harder and harder to play. They couldn’t pull the creeps in the first wave, the creeps are now closer to the enemy turrets and the presence of the support hero makes the offlane more miserable than ever. Offlane deserves the title of “suicide” lane.

Gone are the semi-core heroes who farmed in the offlane. Replacing them are heroes that can take good hits, don’t need a lot of gold and XP but still contribute a lot to the team when needed.

For a lot of people, this means they can’t play an extra carry for the team, but the offlane changes are generally making the meta very stable. Teams now often go dual lane, the supports just stay in the two lanes on the edge and let the mid players play against each other. Or they can pick heroes that specialize in offlane, have good buffalo to help pick more diverse. Today, we will discuss the most successful heroes in the offlane in the current meta.

Doom is a very strong hero in the current patch. Whenever he has his ultimate, Doom can completely 1vs3 with the opponent’s core, even when playing in the offlane position and possessing a small amount of gold and experience. This makes teamfights extremely effective when Doom is present and forces the opponent to play extremely carefully: find a way to kill Doom quickly, or only work when Doom’s ultimate is on cooldown.

Doom is one of the few heroes that causes massive damage in lane. This hero forces the enemy support to pay attention to him, as very few carry heroes can take 1v1 with Doom and Infernal Blade.

Later on, especially at level 15, Doom starts ramping up extremely fast, allowing the hero to buy items his teammates need. We clearly see the difference when Doom builds: early in the game, the hero needs mobility items and initiates combat, but as the game goes on, the damage starts to decrease, Doom really needs to help the team in other ways. other.

Doom’s build these days is usually Blink and/or Shadow Blade, then Shiva’s Guard or other aura items. When facing heroes that deal high physical damage, Crimson Guard is the safest. With Zeus or similar heroes, Pipe is not a bad choice.

The fact that Doom can build all of these items in the mid-late game is one of the reasons the hero is so popular: the usefulness of these items may not be great in theory, but it does. makes a lot of difference when fighting, turning the seemingly dead phase into survival and turning the situation around.

Beastmaster is another example of a super buffalo hero. This hero has a large amount of HP and deals as much damage as Wild Axes. To go 1v1 against Beastmaster is quite a job for the enemy carry and this hero often has to be watched by the enemy support.

Later in the game, Beastmaster transforms himself into one of Dota’s most effective tools: a 3-4 second ‘spell immunity’ stun that can be used to initiate teamfights and counter attacks Open enemy teamfights, targeting those who use BKB.

But this hero is most famous for his army of escorts: all of Beastmaster’s summons play an important role in his aggression. Hawk has a wide field of vision and often predicts where the opponent will initiate a fight: helping the team make better tactical choices.

The rest of the hero’s summons benefit greatly from the Inner Beast aura and the increased speed from Primal Roar and the damage stack of Wild Axes. Beastmaster can solo kill very well.

Not to mention, this hero can earn gold pretty quickly. Wild Axes allow you to farm jungles between teamfights or when lanes get too hard. This move ensures this is a stable source of income for Beastmaster. Unlike Doom, Beastmaster doesn’t jump gold all of a sudden, but still makes sure he builds well no matter how difficult the match situation is.

Ax has long lost the ball in the pro meta, but now is the time for him to make a comeback. Unlike the heroes on this list, Ax has to rely on gold and needs a decent farm to be effective. Ax also needs to get off to a good start to help the team. Of course, once Ax got off to a good start, your team would definitely cry.

The ‘magic resist’ piercing disable is reason enough to make us choose Ax. Bererker’s Call’s cast time has been increased and makes it easier for opponents to react, but overall the move still works as well as before: it prevents the opponent from hitting the targets they want, while leaving itself exposed. open.

Combined with the tendency to max Battle Hunger first makes Ax a nasty object in lane, depending on the match situation: Ax is a hero who harasses the enemy core hero’s farm, can go to the jungle and earn more gold and still good support for the team at every stage of the game after getting himself BLink Dagger.

Also, this hero can deal massive damage, at least until the ‘super late’ stages of the game. Counter Helix can deal with paper-soft cores that rely on Armor to survive, while Blade Mail can extend the amount of damage Ax can deal. The changes after patch 6.87 make it harder to fight heroes with armor, but it’s still enough and sometimes sends your team to the board if the enemy’s health is below Culling Blade.

The community often overestimates the impact of the update and thinks that “offlane is suicide”. We need to admit that the offlane has become harder than before, but that doesn’t mean there are no heroes that can go this lane. It means the team cannot get a third carry.

This makes us somewhat uncomfortable. Everyone wants to deal damage, be the main player and carry the team. But Dota is a team game and sometimes we have to sacrifice ourselves for the match. Support players have always had to do that and now it’s time for offlaners to go back to their roots, picking a support hero rather than a Core champion.

According to Dotabuff

Source link: The strongest offlanes in the meta right now

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