Hearthstone: Galakrond’s Awakening is worth buying? Analysis of new cards and decks using them

Hearthstone Galakrond
Is Hearthstone Galakrond's Awakening worth buying?

Galakrond’s Awakening brings new adventures and bonus cards to Hearthstone. Adventure has 35 new cards that can only be obtained when buying adventure with gold or real money. If you don’t buy adventure, you won’t be able to craft these cards. But when you have bought and received them, you can disenchant and then craft again if you want. Of course, we shouldn’t disenchant that card and end up crafting it again, so consider that carefully.

If it’s like the old adventures, these cards will be craftable for everyone when it rotates out of Standard format in April 2021. Not everyone plans to wait there to craft these cards, so the question is is Galakrond’s Awakening worth buying now?

How much does Galakrond’s Awakening cost?

You can buy the whole adventure with real money for $19.99 or the 4 individual chapters for $6.99/chapter. Chapters must be purchased in order, you cannot skip the previous chapters and jump straight to the last one. This pricing makes it too expensive to purchase individual chapters with real money ($6.99 x 4 = $27.96). Meanwhile, buying a bundle adventure with real money costs the same as buying a bundle of 15 card packs.

Is Hearthstone Galakrond's Awakening worth buying?

You can also buy adventure with gold for 700 gold per chapter. A total of 2800 gold, equivalent to 28 card packs.

The total dust value in the adventure (excluding the free cards from part of Chapter 1) is 2930 dust. Since an average card pack is worth 100 dust, in terms of dust, buying Galakrond’s Awakening is more efficient than buying a card pack.

However, this analysis is not necessarily accurate. It assumes all cards are of equal value, but that is not true. Any useful card is worth far more than its dust value. Therefore, to better understand, we will dive into each card and see how they help in the current meta decks.

Galakrond’s Awakening: Free Cards

Air Raid - Emergenceingame
Eye of the Storm - Emergenceingame
Twisted Knowledge - Emergenceingame
Bomb Wrangler - Emergenceingame

The free cards are worth 100 dust if disenchant.

In the current meta, Bomb Wrangler is a strong card that appears in most Galakrond Warrior and Highlander Warrior decks, and it is one of the cards worth using on this list. No other card is as successful as it is: Air Raid sometimes present in Mech Paladin, but not a strong deck. Twisted Knowledge and Eye of the Storm has no effect on the meta in general.

Galakrond’s Awakening: Chapter 1

The paying part in Chapter 1 gives you 3 more cards when unlocking and 4 more cards when defeating the boss:

Fresh Scent - Emergenceingame
Licensed Adventurer - Emergenceingame
Shadow Sculptor - Emergenceingame
Skydiving Instructor - Emergenceingame
Animated Avalanche - Emergenceingame
Winged Guardian - Emergenceingame
Dark Prophecy - Emergenceingame

Cards from chapter 1 are worth 350 dust if disenchant.

The highlight leaf of chapter 1 is Winged Guardian. It is a must-have card in Embiggen Druid. Embiggen Druid used to dominate the meta, but other decks are starting to add tech cards to counter it so this Druid deck is just fine now. This is a remarkable achievement for a deck that is countered by everyone! Your opponent tries to counter you, but you still win more than you lose. That’s the hallmark of a strong deck! Embiggen Druid is also a pretty cheap deck, so this chapter 1 is totally worth buying if you want to try this deck.

Chapter 1 also has Fresh Scent – the Hunter card is quite strong with a lot of potential. It was used in several Highlander Hunter decks and improved Beast Hunter’s power, however it was not strong enough to be a meta deck. The future of this card depends on how strong the Beast Hunter cards are: It’s strong in Beast Hunter, but the current Hunter meta decks rely heavily on Dragon rather than Beast. Overall, this is still a strong card.

Licensed Adventurer is a synergy card with a Quest used in many Quest decks, especially Quest Hunter and Quest Galakrond Rogue. This is a good card for many decks with Quest.

The other cards from chapter 1 have yet to find their place in the meta.

Galakrond’s Awakening: Chapter 2

Chapter 2 gives you 8 new cards:

Cards from Chapter 2 are worth 500 dust if disenchant.

Rising Winds is the best card in chapter 2. It is one of the important cards that help the Quest Druid revive and work extremely well in this archetype. It’s also present in the Token Druid, just average, but still a card worth adding.

Arcane Amplifier slightly underrated. It works well in all Highlander Mage decks, and some of them are the best of the archetype. This is definitely a card you should insert into Highlander Mage for the time being.

Fiendish Servant is a great card for traditional Zoo Warlock, but Galakrond Zoo Warlock is getting stronger, so this card has no place in the meta.

Skyvateer Occasionally appears in Galakrond Rogue, but it is not among the strongest decks of the archetype.

Other than the names mentioned above, none of the other cards in chapter 2 have been successful.

Galakrond’s Awakening: Chapter 3

Chapter 3 has 8 more cards, and some of them are pretty good!

Waxmancy - Emergenceingame
Chopshop Copter - Emergenceingame
Risky Skipper - Emergenceingame
Boompistol Bully - Emergenceingame
Rotnest Drake - Emergenceingame
Aeon Reaver - Emergenceingame
Scalelord - Emergenceingame
Sky Genral Kragg - Emergenceingame

Cards from chapter 3 are worth 780 dust if disenchant.Rotnest Drake too strong. Good stats and is Deadly Shot free. It is also an important card in Dragon Hunter and Highlander Hunter, two decks that are playing extremely well right now. Specifically, the indispensable Dragon Hunter Rotnest Drake Okay.

Sky Gen’ral Kragg is the best synergy Quest card in Hearthstone. You don’t need an active Quest to use it, as long as there is already a Quest in the game. This is a must-have card in any Quest deck.

Risky Skipper is an important card in the new Galakrond Warrior decks. It pairs perfectly with the Bomb Wrangler from Chapter 1 and works well with Armorsmith and Acolyte of Pain.

Scalelord is a strong card in Murloc Paladin. However, Murloc Paladin was inferior to Mech Paladin, so it was difficult for Scalelord to shine. It has the potential to be stronger after rotation as many Mechs will leave the Standard format.

Boompistol Bully is the only anti-Battlecry tech card in the game. It plays pretty well right now, but stats show that the meta doesn’t really have much Battlecry worth adding this card to. Since it’s a tech card, it might come in handy in the future meta.

Waxmancy, Chopshop Copterand Aeon Reaver there is nothing to mention.

Galakrond’s Awakening: Chapter 4

Chapter 4 includes the last 8 cards in the adventure:

The cards in chapter 4 are worth 1300 dust if disenchant.

Frenzied Felwing It’s quickly becoming one of the mainstays in aggressive decks, especially Dragon Hunter, and it looks like it will continue to be a part of the Standard meta.

Shotbot is the great leaf in Mech Paladin. It showed its strength in Pure Paladin – not a top-tier archetype. Shotbot will be a breakthrough in the coming time.

Escaped Manasaber also strong. Because it’s a minion with a temporary effect, it’s not exactly an important card in the deck, but is still worth adding in many decks, like Highlander Mage, Highlander Hunter and perhaps Galakrond Rogue.

The Amazing Reno is one of the best cards of Highlander Mage. Its Hero Power is completely random, but the value of this card lies in the Battlecry effect: that is Plague of Deathcompletely erasing all traces of all minions, including Resurrect.

Steel Beetle has potential in Quest Druid, especially in the aggressive meta. Currently, some decks use it, others do not, but its power must be said to be okay.

Boom Squad is a medium card in Highlander Warrior, but with the rotation Standard coming up, it will likely confirm its position in April.

Grand Lackey Erkh and Chaos Gazer have yet to find success.

How important is Galakrond’s Awakening?

Galakrond’s Awakening includes many of the cards being used in the current meta decks:

Is Hearthstone Galakrond's Awakening worth buying?

These are major contributions to the meta, and make this adventure more engaging and worth buying.

Is Hearthstone Galakrond's Awakening worth buying?

Note, Galakrond’s Awakening is not strictly required to purchase. You can play many of the strongest archetype versions, such as Galakrond Rogue, Resurrect Priest, Pirate Warrior, Combo Priest, Face Hunter, and Aggro Shaman without a card in Adventure.

Always chase the cards in the decks you want to play! If decks that benefit from adventure appeal to you, then buying them is the right thing to do. Otherwise, you can skip it, especially if you are going to buy adventure with gold, when the dust value of these cards is not high compared to the card packs.

Note that the most valuable adventure rewards come mainly from chapters 3 and 4. While they don’t give you more cards, cards from later chapters are worth more dust and are generally stronger. Because you need to buy the chapters in order, you almost have to buy the entire adventure to get the most out of them. Blizzard designed the adventure to encourage players to pay for the entire bundle, but paying in gold is also an option if you’re a free-to-play gamer. If planning to invest money in Hearthstone, the best way is to buy adventure with real money and use gold for card pack.

According to Hearthstonetopdecks

Source link: Hearthstone: Galakrond’s Awakening is worth buying? Analysis of new cards and decks using them
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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