The most craftable Legendary in Kobolds & Catacombs

The most craftable Legendary in Kobolds & Catacombs

There is a fact that no one does not know, that a Hearthstone player, after having earned enough new cards but still has excess dust, often wants to craft a few Legendary for fun according to his preferences. And that still applies with Hearthstone’s latest expansion: Kobolds & Catacombs.

Whether you’re in the group that bought the 50 pack in advance, or the group that just bought the in-game gold pack, once the expansion is released, the question is always: which legend should I craft?

Impatient players will often emotionally craft the cards that they and the community consider the best, or simply craft if they like it (me too). However, many frugal players understand that it would be better to take a while to wait for the meta to stabilize before using their dust on a legend that could very well be nothing more than a useless guy.

It’s been over 2 months since Kobolds and Catacombs were released – Nerfs come and go, and the meta has had plenty of time to settle. The time is ripe, it’s time to craft some Legends! Here are the Legendary cards that are arguably the strongest, most widely played, or sometimes most useful in the expansion. These are the cards that are loved by the community, often used by professionals and you will often encounter when climbing the rank. Do not miss the additional section at the end of the article, which introduces the Legendary cards that are not mandatory, but when you play and successfully utilize their strengths, you will feel extremely satisfied (11/10 people). will craft if enough dust).


cac legendary dang craft nhat trong kobolds catacombs 1 - EmergenceingameLegendary weapon of Rogue. While it doesn’t look very strong on the surface, this 1/3 weapon possesses a unique Deathrattle effect that makes it worthy of its Legendary orange gem position. If for some reason you haven’t had the luck of dealing with this card (good luck), then let me tell you its function is to return to the deck, while keeping all active effects.


All in all, its overwhelming power comes from a combination of constantly returning to the deck and keeping all the effects. This means, if you play smart, it will get stronger and stronger throughout the match. There are also cards that return to the hand, such as Tentacles for Arms or Val’anyr in this expansion. However, both are far from capturing the attention of players like Kingsbane.

If it is constantly buffed, by the end of the game, it can completely reach 9+ attack stats with Lifesteal. It will be a huge challenge for the opponent to maintain control of the game or your blood.

Once the buffing process is in place, victory is inevitable, even if you have no cards and suffer fatigue. Because if played correctly, the weapon will constantly return to the deck and you will not receive any fatigue, plus the health earned from Lifesteal when you punch your opponent in the face after clearing the monsters on the table.

Caption for Kingsbane Mill Rogue decks: Recall the most bitter moments of your Hearthstone career. Perhaps it was a feeling of despair and helplessness when faced with the Quest Rogue in its heyday. Or it could be (50) your first encounter with a Mill Rogue deck (You may not know it: Dante has to rise from his grave just to let us know that the 10th floor of hell is for Mill Rogue players* ). Do you remember? Very interesting. Now get ready, because if you haven’t seen the Deck Mill Kingsbane yet, it’s a surprise worth waiting for. A perfect combination of Mill with unstoppable Kingsbane. Give up all hope and concede as soon as possible whoever you are.

*Dear Mill Rogue players, this is just an exaggeration. I don’t really think so. However, I very, very, very much don’t enjoy playing it at all.


Do you like to draw cards? Then this is the weapon for you. With the help of Aluneth, you will be drawn 3 more cards at the end of each turn. However, it is also a double-edged sword. Depending on your ability to build your deck to support it, it can be beneficial or harmful. Please consider carefully!

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Very easy to see, those are the cards you are drawn to. It gives you 3 cards at the end of each turn, a huge advantage over your opponent – ​​as long as you can play fast enough and keep your hand from getting full. But it can become extremely squeezing – much more squeezing than other legendary weapons – because if not used correctly, you have fallen into your own trap.

To overcome the weakness of over-handling that leads to fatigue, you can add Medivh to your deck to destroy Aluneth, because when you play Medivh you will be equipped with Atiesh. However, at Medivh’s cost of 8 mana, this strategy does not seem to be very suitable.
If you decide to craft this card, make sure your deck can win before you run out of cards.

Check out a few ideas below:

Dragoncaller Alanna

This Mage Legendary has the powerful Battlecry “Summon a 5/5 Dragon for every spell of 5 mana or more you use in this game.”

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This card immediately appears in Big Spell decks and because the summoned minion is a Dragon, they cannot be destroyed by Priest’s Dragonfire Potion, a big advantage.

Alanna is quite effective in Big Spell decks and pairs well with cards like Medivh, Spiteful Summoner, and cards that benefit from expensive spells. However, this is not a card that can be played alone – you have to combine it with other cards, don’t forget that. If you are interested in Big Spell Mage then read this interesting article.

When playing Alanna, try to use at least 3 spells before launching it (of course as many as possible) to get the most out of it.

Skull of the Man’ari

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There are quite a few weapons on this list, but rest assured, I promise this is the last one. This Legendary Warlock weapon summons 1 Demon from your hand to the table at the beginning of each of your turns.


Combining this weapon with minions like Voidlord and Doomguard will give you an overwhelming advantage over your opponents. It allows you to unleash massive demon bodies before you can normally play them, and saves you mana (as well as avoiding any adverse battlecry). The key is that you must have a Demon in your hand at the beginning of the turn (weapon effect is activated before the card is drawn). If you don’t have any Demon on hand, it becomes useless.

Rin, the First Disciple

Rin is an interesting card. Personally, I think Rin tends to be more of an “entertainment” Legendary than a card that has a place in many serious decks, but that’s clearly not the case. You can see it in Control Warlock decks or not, so this card is not really as essential as Skull of the Man’ari, but it would be a great addition if you have it in your collection.

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First of all, it’s fun to play. Pretty sure your opponent won’t cheer you on if you successfully use Rin and the subsequent cards and destroy their deck, but you’ll have fun.

Rin is a taunt possessing a pretty powerful and interesting deathrattle. It grants The First Seal to your hand, and sets up a chain similar to the Jade Golem effect. The First Seal summons 1 Demon 2/2 and places it in your hand The Second Seal. Continue doing this until the Final Seal, summon a Demon 6/6 and place it in your hand Azari, the Devourer. Azari’s Battlecry is about destroying the opponent’s deck.

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Yes, it does take a while, but the results are absolutely sweet. But it is also important to note that because of the amount of mana it costs, this is not a card that is always suitable.

Sonya Shadowdancer

Sonya is a Rogue legend that has the automatic ability “After a minion on our side dies, adding 1 1/1 copy of it to your hand costs 1 mana.” Or to put it simply, it is to kill her IMMEDIATELY!

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Rogue has a lot of good-natured-cheap minions with very effective Battlecry and Deathrattle that Sonya can take advantage of. It pairs perfectly with combo and tempo decks. It helps to trigger many combos with the 1 mana minions it creates (And on top of that, those minions still have the same effect as the original minion, providing double benefits).

Sonya’s biggest plus is being able to reuse terrifying abilities like those of Prince Keleseth and Jade Spirit for cheap. Keep that in mind when building a deck with Sonya (or use it as an incentive to tackle it as soon as possible after it’s released by an opponent – ​​otherwise the cost will be enormous).

Source link: The most craftable Legendary in Kobolds & Catacombs

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