Licorice shines with Kled, Cloud9 destroys Clutch Gaming

Licorice shines with Kled, Cloud9 destroys Clutch Gaming

Second place in the NA LCS is still undecided after the match between Cloud9 and Clutch Gaming at Riot Games’ Los Angles Stadium early yesterday. It seems that the outcome of the match entails a lot of things. Cloud9 is eager to prove his dominance against an up-and-coming Clutch Gaming. And conversely, Clutch also wants to show that their achievements will not stop against the top teams.

But thoughts that this would be a fierce battle were quickly erased. Cloud9 was completely above their opponent, the result of the match was almost available after just over 10 minutes of play. We thought Clutch needed another element to beat Cloud9, but they didn’t have the time to look for that.

We thought that the key to the game was the top lane confrontation, and it was. Cloud9 top laner, Eric”Licorice“Ritchie has entered the season in better form than Colin”Solo” Earnes by Clutch Gaming abound. Yesterday, he proved it.

Licorice choose Kled, the battle will become a nightmare for Solo if let him get the advantage. Both junglers are focusing their attention on their top lane, showing the importance of the top half of the map. But it was Dennis Dennis.”Svenskeren” by Cloud9 who helped Licorice get First Blood and shortly after that a double kill.

The match showed ‘s lane control ability Licorice. Not only possessing superior minion stats compared to the opponent’s Ornn, Licorice continuously attacked and defeated him, making him Solo encountered many difficulties in his lane.

It was a very interesting match. Licorice there is a phase that uses Kled’s passive to dodge and heal very well. Careful viewers, however, will notice Cloud9’s trap: freezing in half of their side’s map, with Ornn being too short with no flash.

With those things, Licorice started taking advantage of Solo. Clutch tried to come back in some other areas but with Licorice alive they never did, and Cloud9 finished the game in less than 25 minutes.

For Cloud9, this is a warning to other NA LCS teams trying to target their rookies. For Clutch, many of the questions with them heading into this match remain. As for Clutch, they have many questions to ask after this match.

Source link: Licorice shines with Kled, Cloud9 destroys Clutch Gaming

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