The Elder Scrolls 6 reveals the game’s context through a happy new year message?

GameHub.VN Boi canh The Elder Scrolls 6 thumbl - Emergenceingame

Right on the last day of the old year 2020, the publisher Bethesda tweeted a Happy New Year message on the official Twitter account of the hit RPG series The Elder Scrolls. Nothing would have happened without the map of Skyrim with the words “Transcribe the past and map the future”. Record the past and chart the future).

Take note of the past and chart the future. Happy New Year!

On Reddit, many of the theories that have been proposed and received the most consensus is that the position of the candles is very suspicious. The first candle is placed in Solitude, the capital of the land of Skyrim. The second candle is off the map, on the waters north of Skyrim – perhaps a reference to the arrival of the Atmorans (or this candle is really just for illumination since it’s placed on a box) and the candle the last is located in the homeland of the Redguard, Hammerfell. Accordingly, many gamers think that it is possible background of the new game The Elder Scrolls 6 will probably take place in Hammerfell.


However, on Twitter, instead of paying attention to the candles, many people noticed 4 coins representing each region of Tamriel and each coin has its own text attached to the side and date of the map: 4E 182 – This is a few years before the events of The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.

Do you see 4 coins by the candle?

The first coin features an image of a wolf with the words “The Wolf of Solitude is bound by blood and bravery” (Solitude’s wolf is bound by blood and courage). The only information we know about this quote is that “The Wolf of Solitude” is the title bestowed upon the king of this city.

There is also a coin from Elsweyr (“We dance with the two moons” – I dance with the two moons), Morrowind (“All cities are born of solid light” – Every city is born of light matter) and Summerset (“From the throne of Alinor Queen Ayrenn decrees” – Edict from Queen Ayrenn of Alinor).

One thing that everyone should remember is that this is all just a guess of the gaming community. From 2018 until now, Bethesda still has almost no official announcement about The Elder Scrolls 6 and the release date of this new game is still a mystery.

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