Marvel confirms even normal animals can’t escape Thanos’ destructive snap

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We all know at the end of the blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos made a snap to quickly erase half of the universe instantly. However, through the movie scenes, it can be seen that the characters gradually disappearing into dust are mainly familiar superheroes. Many viewers are curious if only humans are affected by this doom? In a recent interview, “boss” Marvel – Kevin Feige has officially answered the above question.


Writer Russ Fischer asked Kevin Feige about the question that many people still wonder after the battle is over: “I need to confirm something about the outcome of Infinity War. Did half the animals die after the snap? Like half the horses or half the ants gone?”. Speaking to Birth.Movies.Death about this, Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige confirmed that “Mad Titan”‘s devastating finger at the end Avengers: Infinity War affects all life everywhere – including animals. He asserted: “All life (lost half in the event of annihilation)“.


Originally in the comics, the fact that Thanos wanted to kill half of the universe after collecting all 6 infinity stones was because he wanted to make himself “matched” with the only entity he loved. – Death (Death). The snap of his fingers that erased half of the universe was also a gift he wanted to give Death. Still in the movie Infinity War, the villain thinks the universe is too cramped and crowded, so he wants to destroy half of it, bring balance and keep the universe alive. Therefore, there is no doubt that all “living” creatures, occupying an area or affecting the habitat are eliminated by “Crazy Titan”.


Many fans believe that in addition to being too extreme, this destructive act of his is also a mistake when some animals that are considered “food” by humans are destroyed, while his purpose is to delete them. Eliminating humans in the universe is to prevent food shortages. There are many viewers who also humorously refer to the action movie John Wick famous, in which it is about the assassin of the same name who goes crazy when he sees his pet dog being killed in front of him and begins a formidable revenge campaign. So if your dog John Wick and many pets of cold-blooded killers in the world were “ashed” after this doom, is that also the spark for revenge in the world? Avengers 4 Upcoming?


Source link: Marvel confirms even normal animals can’t escape Thanos’ destructive snap

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