LOL 10.5 – Bard gets nerfed for the first time, Sona and Soraka are out of time for Top

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According to the disclosure from the publisher Riot, after 5 years since its release, Bard in LOL has received major changes for the first time. Whether this will be good news or good news for fans of this champion, let’s explore with!

In version League of Legends 10.5 In the near future, according to many sources, the developer will focus on nerk Bard and this is also the first time Bard has embraced this change since it was released in 2015. However, that is not all. So what are the changes with Bard, readers find out with!

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LOL 10.5 – General Bard is nerfed, Sona and Soraka are out of time for Top

Previously, according to, Bard was not really a dominant champion and was only really strong when playing support in the bot lane with an amazing 54.6% win rate. However, in patch 10.5, developer Riot said they will bring some significant changes to Bard. Whereby, passive damage per 5 bells reduced from 15 to 12. Although this is probably not a huge nerk, especially in the early game, these changes later have a stronger impact on Bard and significantly reduce the influence of this champion in the game.

Also, 2 of Bard’s essential items are Mobility shoes and Sword of Conqueror also nerk. Cost to buy Mobility Shoes increased from 900 up 1000 gold As for the Magical Sword, this item will only work to increase the amount of gold for the champion when there are allies nearby. It is because of the change with these 2 items that the generals benefit the most like Sona nice Soraka have risk “Time to go to the topPreviously in patch 10.4, these 2 champions were lightly nerfed so that players could go to the top lane more easily.
With the changes to Bard, how do you feel? Please look forward to it and share your experience with us after testing it! Also in this update, General Twisted Fate has been buffed, equipped with more skills, which has caused gamers to “fight” to pick, read the article Twisted Fate gets a buff on LOL 10.5 for more information.

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LOL 10.5

, change with Bard in LOL 10.5, Bard in LOL 10.5,

Source link: LOL 10.5 – Bard gets nerfed for the first time, Sona and Soraka are out of time for Top

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