League of Legends: Soraka top lane season 10 and in-depth guide

League of Legends: Soraka top lane season 10 and in-depth guide

In-depth guide on Soraka top lane, how to build items, plus gems, laning skills…

Soraka hasn’t received nerfs or buffs in recent patches, however Soraka was suddenly picked by top laner Martin “Wunder” Nordahl Hansen in both G2 Esports LEG matches.

In this article, bloggame shares with you in-depth instructions on Soraka top lane, how to build items, runes, and lane skills to bring new and interesting matches.

Recombined rune for top lane Soraka.

League of Legends: Soraka top lane and in-depth guide

The magic main tree will be the best mastery board for Soraka. Summoning Aery will allow you to increase your healing as well as expand your poke ability. Energy Bandage will ensure you never run out of mana during laning phase, Power Up will provide cooldown reduction so you can spam your skills more often, especially Rage Accumulation will help you gain the necessary strength while searching for support items.

The secondary plant that picks the persistent gem will help you become more buff during the laning phase. The second wind combined with the healing effect over time from Q – Still Tinh will help you keep your health and take less damage in battle.

How to build Soraka top lane

1) Starting equipment

League of Legends: Soraka top lane season 10 and in-depth guide

Doran’s Ring is a perfect starter item. It gives you more magic power, mana regeneration, health porcelain, along with 2 health potions to help you stay on the road longer.

2) Core equipment

League of Legends: Soraka top lane season 10 and in-depth guide

This will be your itemization goal in the match, these three items will help Soraka become very strong in the solo lane. The Athene Devil’s Cup will give you additional healing based on the amount of damage dealt, and the Chain of Atonement will help you impact battle from afar even after you’re dead. The Boiling Incense allows you to buff your ADCs into destructive machines with added attack speed.

3) Optional equipment

League of Legends: Soraka top lane season 10 and in-depth guide

If you have to face damage-prone enemy champions like Tryndamere, Master Yi, Yasuo, or Lucian, then equipping Ninja boots is a good choice. If you’re facing a team that focuses on damage and control, then go for Mercury’s Shoe. If you have to face an enemy team that deals mixed damage and lacks combat control, you can use the Lonia Enlightenment Boot to reduce the cooldown.

Psychic Armor will be great against teams that focus on magic damage as it will grant you all the necessary stats in addition to skill power, while increasing healing to help you live longer and longer. .

with the extra movement speed will help you and your teammates become much more mobile in the way of fighting situations.

Soraka’s top laning skill

League of Legends: Soraka top lane season 10 and in-depth guide

With bringing Soraka to the top, you’re not aiming to win lane, you’re aiming to not lose it. Q – Remains will allow you to be safe and poke your opponent’s health, your goal is to poke as much of your opponent’s health as possible to force them back, while not putting yourself in a vulnerable position. damage. If you don’t have sight of the enemy jungler, play it safe and let your opponent push up.

Your goal is to reach level 6, at which point you can influence the entire map when needed. Once you’ve built up your core gear, gather with your teammates and start making offensive targets. While you won’t deal massive damage, you can keep your teammates safer in teamfights.

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Source link: League of Legends: Soraka top lane season 10 and in-depth guide
– Emergenceingames.com

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