League of Legends: Revealed the list of buffed champions in patch 10.16

gamehub.vn tuong tang suc manh 10.16 5 - Emergenceingame

In an effort to “diversify meta playoffs“, head of design department League of Legends Mark “Scruffy” Yetter has revealed the demo list of champions that will be increased strength in League of Legends version 10.16.

Many generals will be buffs and suffer nerf in an upcoming release before developers can tweak the meta for Worlds this year. Although the specific changes have not been revealed, the buffed champions can have a big impact on the tactics of participating teams.


Some of the names on the list are also some of the most controversial champions of all single ranking and compete. Eg Akalia champion that used to cause a lot of discomfort when faced in the whole single rank and professional competition, but through nerfs, her win rate and pick rate decrease significantly. Currently, in terms of mid laners, Akali has the 2nd winning rate…from the bottom up.


Jax and Fiora They are also generals who have dominated solo and professional matches with great solo ability and divided the enemy team. After being nerfed in patch 10.15, both have win rates below 50%.


In addition, there are many other generals that will receive more power in the version 10.16 coming soon like Neeko, Ziggs, Veigar, Hecarim, Tristana, Lucian, Miss Fortune, Morgana and Rakan. Evelynn will also be buffed, helping this champion in addition to jungle can also go lane very well.

It seems the meta change this year will come a little earlier. But with the playoffs and Worlds coming up, teams will need more time to come up with new strategies based on buffing or buffing champions.

New Generals Yone are also ready for the players at the upcoming playoffs. That means League of Legends fans can see this champion “play” in professional matches in the near future.


League of Legends version 10.16 is expected to be released on August 5, 2020.​

Source link: League of Legends: Revealed the list of buffed champions in patch 10.16
– Emergenceingames.com

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