League of Legends: After Yone, Riot continues to “tease” a new champion, ADC Samira

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In the article The Champion Roadmap a few months ago, Riot Games introduced us to their 4 projects including dreamy jungler – Lilliamasked assassin – Yone and remake Dr. Mundo. The last character is described as the Gunner with extremely risky gameplay, “bloodthirsty” and performing extremely beautiful combos. Even Riot Games also teased the animation that is said to be the skill rating scale of this champion.



With its large investment, Yone immediately became the focus of League of Legends community in the past days when turn short films, skill sets are revealed. However, this does not mean that people will ignore the other new characters of League of Legends and in the latest findings, the “bloodthirsty sniper” mentioned above was present in server PBE, even in the form of easter eggs. Specifically, there is a new emote named Style rank: S and files related to the name Samira was found.


Emote Style rank : WOW
The “easter egg” files appeared with the name Samira a lot

Looking a little closer, we can see that names like Base Style, Style Embers, Style Energy Ray, Style Ground Mult, Style Rose Petals, Style Screen Flames, Style Shimmers, Style S appear in the files mentioned. above. This is most likely the name of the skill points that you new champion possession, perhaps this new champion will give gamer tools for self-assessment in the most intuitive way, if you get a lot of S rank, you’re good at it.

This skill scoring system makes people think of the line games Devil May Cry when the new character is described as wielding both a gun and a sword, quite similar to Dante of this series.

But the name Samira and the images of roses make many people think of a female general. If inferred in that direction, we have another easy-to-understand name that is the character Bayonetta of the series of the same name. This is likened to a female version of Dante with equally crazy fighting ability.

Regardless of gender, the unique style scoring mechanism that only appeared in fighting and slashing games is now available in a new title. MOBA game like League of Legends also makes many people feel excited and can’t wait for more information about the position new general Samira this.

Source link: League of Legends: After Yone, Riot continues to “tease” a new champion, ADC Samira
– Emergenceingames.com

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