League of Legends: Revealed the list of champions with nerfs in patch 10.16

gamehub.vn tuong giam suc manh 10.16 0 - Emergenceingame

To prepare for playoffs of tournaments League of Legends professionally, version 10.16 launching next week will have a few changes, the first is a change in the strength of the generals.

League of Legends chief designer Mark “Scruffy” Yetter outlined the expected changes in patch 10.16, bringing three very hot junglers to the list. nerf. Volibear, Karthus and Kha’Zix seems to be too strong and has attracted the attention of Riot.


It seems that Volibear’s 10.14 revisions were not enough to limit the strength of this champion. Riot removed some base attack speed and reduced W’s healing by 50% on monster damage. game developer hopefully that will slow down the champion’s jungling speed but it doesn’t seem to be enough. While this list is tentative, Volibear will almost certainly be on this list of death.


Version 10.14 is also too generous with general Karthus when he has increased his strength and base movement speed as well as Q damage. And it seems that this increase in Riot’s power is a bit “overkill” when it comes to make Karthus become hot pick for the jungle with a win rate of nearly 53% in Platinum or even higher. According to Champion.gg. Riot might need to slow down the jungling speed or reduce the power of this champion’s Q a bit.


Kha’Zix has also enjoyed an impressive win rate in recent times, hovering around 53%. Version 10.14 increased Q’s damage from 100% to 120%. If Kha’Zix really got reducing power maybe Q will be something that Riot should consider.


In addition, champions like Syndra, Nocturne mid, Sett, Karma, Ashe, Bard and Nautilus are also being considered for nerfs in patch 10.16.

League of Legends version 10.16 slated to release on August 5, 2020.​

Source link: League of Legends: Revealed the list of champions with nerfs in patch 10.16
– Emergenceingames.com

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