League of Legends: Break the way with LEONA, MID

450ecb3b leona nhatthuc - Emergenceingame

From the past until now, Leona is considered a pure support general in League of Legends. But with Leona’s powerful controlling skill set and causing dame is also quite good, try breaking the way and bringing this brilliant girl to mid!

450ecb3b leona nhatthuc - Emergenceingame

If you want to shine like the sun, you must first burn as brightly as it is“- Leona

1. Skills

Max Q – First Sun Shield is not a bad choice. With a very fast cooldown, the damage added directly to the attack, would be extremely annoying for any champion. W – Eclipse and E – The zenith, you can max out the next situation, but if you want to stack dame, you should max E next. Last move to get the right level.

2. Equipment

The twin swords of calamity are not a bad choice. Just given Mana, the cooldown, AP, and Spell Sword effects make it a perfect opening item.

Next, depending on the situation of the match, you must choose the appropriate item. If it’s “green”, you can keep going, but the item increases AP, giving priority to items for both health and AP, because she has to rush into the enemy team anyway. But if you don’t have a favorable Early game, consider building resistance items such as Fire Armor, Martyrs Armor, Spiritual Armor … to increase your stamina. Don’t try to keep building items that cause dame, you will die before you can cause it!

Song kiem tai uong - EmergenceingameTwin sword disaster

3. Gemstones

Overpowering branch -> Electric shock + Simple shot sounds very plausible in this case. However, Aftershocks Still a very powerful super gem for Leona even in the Mid position. Here, Download.vn will give you both options for reference, please consider it!

Refer to the jade table:

Electric shock table
Electric shock table
Aftershock table
Aftershock table

4. Complementary spells

Still speed and burn are the two best options for most mid laners.

Thieu dot - EmergenceingameBurn

Toc bien - EmergenceingameVariable speed

5. Tactics play

Leona’s biggest weakness is her ability to reach her target. If E misses, you have absolutely no way to get close to the opponent. Therefore, Leona is very vulnerable to “kite flying” by long-sleeved generals or has skill in the distance, and may lose to soldiers at early levels. But when you have enough skill sets, at least to level 3, depending on your remaining health and your opponent’s health, try E – Thien Dinh Kiem and start fighting, you will be surprised by the power of This Support girl.

However, do not be too “aggressive”, the most important thing is you have to calculate the standard dame, so that you can finish in a combo, otherwise you will have a difficult chance to approach the enemy again. You can get a pretty large number of minions, but don’t be discouraged, try to stay in lane, because Leona is a champion that needs more levels than items, please be patient!

5. Conclusion

Hope that the above sharing will help you are looking for something new in LOL. See you in the next installments of the series Breakthrough gameplay on Download.com.vn. Always be creative in your gameplay!

Source link: League of Legends: Break the way with LEONA, MID
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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