5 tables of the strongest pearls in League of Legends season 9

Bang ngoc anh to - Emergenceingame

In season 9, and specifically current version 9.22, the recombinant gems in League of Legends have a certain balance.. However, there are still outstanding jade tables that are used by a large number of gamers and have a quite high win rate. Let Download.vn learn about the top 5 most powerful pearls season 9!

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5 most powerful Reunion Jade table in League of Legends season 9

Top 5: Perseverance System – Super Gem “Du Chan”

Ngoc Du chan - Emergenceingame

Jade table Aftershocks Used for Strike and crowd control heroes such as Nautilus, Leona, Rammus … Not only increases the stamina for that champion, but also causes widespread dame around. This is truly a great gem for Tankers. Combined with Destructive destruction to increase mast cell capacity, Armor and spread Increased buffalo level, this deserves the best gem board for tank champions.

Top 4: Inspiration – Icy Upgrades

Ngoc nang cap bang gia - Emergenceingame

Frozen upgrades The current version is extremely powerful, whether you are a close or long-hit champion. With its slowing ability upgraded, you’ll find this gem extremely useful when you chase, and when you run away. Frozen upgrades also works extremely well with other slow-moving items like Sword of Hextech, Sword of the unknown king, …

Top 3: Magic System – Super Gem “Summon Aery”

Ngoc trieu hoi Aery - Emergenceingame

A versatile gem that is both damaging and supportive. Summons Aery perfectly suited to support mages or mid players. Especially for some champions that have the ability to poke like Jayce good Ryze, then this small spirit is even more able to bring into play her powers.

Top 2: The Overwhelming System – Super Gem “Electric Shock”

Ngoc soc dien - Emergenceingame

After a period of storming Dark gathering, Now, the players are back to Gems Electric shock. This deserves to be the most stable and powerful gem for Gankers at the moment. With only 3 attacks or separate skills, you can activate Electric shock, dealing a decent amount of damage to enemy champions.

Top 1: Precision System – Super Gem “Conquer”

Ngoc chinh phuc - Emergenceingame

Just increased the dame after each attack, giving the ability to heal when enough stacks, and dealing true damage to enemy champions. Conquer deserves to be a gem in the top 1 position. Not only useful for melee champions, but now, some shooters can even carry Conquer but still very strong with the health regen in combat from this gem.

With the above 5 pearls, hopefully you will have more experience to build your own gem board, so that you can make the most of their power.

Wish you have fun playing the game!

Source link: 5 tables of the strongest pearls in League of Legends season 9
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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