Interesting details hidden in the blockbuster ‘Avengers: Infinity War’ (P.3)

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(Warning article with movie content spoiler!)

27. Spider Sense

In the original, Spider-Man has a special ability to sense unexpected dangers, with a sharp pain in the back of his neck, closely related to his ability to react extremely well even while sleeping. Spider-Man easily dodges any danger automatically. In the movie version, before seeing Thanos’ spaceship invade the earth, Peter Parker was sitting on a bus and saw the hairs on his arm stand up. This is also the first time this ability of the teenage Spider boy appeared on screen.


28. Dr. Strange was tortured by Ebony Maw

In the event Infinity In the comics by Jonathan Hickman, Ebony Maw captures Dr. Strange and tortured the ultimate wizard, even manipulating Strange’s mind, turning him against his own comrades. Fortunately, in the movie, Thanos’ valet has only one main purpose: to get the Time Stone.


29. Spider-Man shoots spider silk on Thanos’ face

During the battle with Thanos on the planet Titan, the Spider-boy shot a thread straight into the face of the mad giant, disorienting him. However, the superheroes did not have time to rejoice for long before the evil Thanos regained the upper hand and pushed Spider Man to the ground.. Both scenes are almost identical in the original comic book.Infinity Gauntlet“.


30. The Nomad

After Captain America: Civil War (2016) premiere, the Russo brothers revealed: “Steve Rogers’ act of throwing away his shield means that from now on he is no longer Captain America.”. Currently, his image and working spirit will be like Nomad in the comics. Although this name is not mentioned once in the movie, except for Vision (Paul Bettany), there are no characters in the movie who call Steve Rogers “Captain” anymore.


31. The Power of the Reality Stone

The Reality Stone is sent by Thor to The Collector on the planet Knowhere at the end of the episode Thor: The Dark World. When he arrived on this planet, Thanos used the Reality Stone himself to make Drax seem to break into blocks, and Mantis was turned into ribbons. In the original comics, Thanos also did the same thing with his brother – Eros and niece – Nebula.


32. Nebula was tortured

The villain Thanos bravely tortured his sister Gamora – Nebula to force her to reveal where the Soul Stone is hidden. In the comics “Infinity Gauntlet”, Nebula was also tortured by Thanos, but only in the story, Nebula is Thanos’ niece. If in Avengers 4the story continues to evolve according to the original, Nebula will be a character that plays an important role in this part.


33. Ax Storm Breaker

Occupying a large amount of airtime in this movie are the scenes when Thor comes to the planet Nidavellir, to ask the dwarf king Eitri to forge a new weapon that can help him defeat Thanos. And finally Eitri helped Thor create the ax Storm Breaker – something only for the kings of Asgard. In the original comics, Beta Ray Bill once defeated Thor with the wager of Mjolnir. However, he ended up taking the lightning ax from Odin and became the owner of Stormbreaker.


34. White Wolf (White Wolf)

In the after-credits of the movie Black Panther, the children called Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) “White Wolf”. Morning comes Infinity War, King T’Challa (Black Panther) also called Bucky Barnes by the same name. In the original, White Wolf is the adopted son of King T’Chaka (father of Black Panther), head of the undercover police force in Wakanda. However, due to jealousy and animosity with T’Challa, he was later expelled. Despite the same nickname, these two characters are completely unrelated to each other.


35. Vision is “discolored”

In Avengers: Infinity War, after Thanos plucked the Mind Stone from Vision’s forehead, he returned as a colorless “scrap heap”. Although in the comics, Vision didn’t exist thanks to the Mind Stone like in the movies, but he was ruthlessly pulled out by Thanos. At this time, the superhero also lost its inherent color and suffered a tragic end.


36. Thanos “hidden the Gypsy”

Thanos once said that after “cleaning up” the universe, he would peacefully watch the sunrise. And in the end of the movie, after the cruel snap that he thought was his salvation, the villain was able to comfortably fulfill his wish. The ending for Thanos in the original comic is almost the same. It can even be seen that the armor with him defeats the superheroes now wearing on the straw scarecrow, and he becomes an idyllic plowing farmer.

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