Hitman 3: In less than 10 seconds, players pass the first level

GameHub.VN Hitman3 thumbl - Emergenceingame

Opening show of Hitman 3 called On Top of The World, set in a magnificent tower in Dubai, multi-storey space, rooms and dense with various security measures. Many players have taken a long time to pass this task, but recently, two Speedrunners, Wreak and Der_Lauch_Linus, set a record when it took less than 10 seconds to get past this first level.


They shared a super-fast way to take down this target. In the first level, the player is only equipped with a gun and the familiar suit of Agent 47. The mission area has a quirky architecture and is located on the top floor of the tower. Within the first few seconds, two targets appeared on the balcony directly above Agent 47’s head. Therefore, the player needs to move quickly, aim accurately and then the two targets will be defeated. in just the blink of an eye. However, this fast target kill time does not help you unlock the Silent Assination achievement.

Wreak’s 9-second record.

To unlock Silent Assination it takes a little longer, about 8 seconds more.

Currently, GuLe is the world record holder in the category of fastest time to pass the first stage and achieve Silent Assination. It took him a total of 17 seconds. GuLe’s gameplay is quite similar to Wreak, but he uses a rifle with a silencer, first firing multiple shots at the wall to distract the security guards and NPCs, then defeating the targets silently.

GuLe’s record.

Hitman 3 was just released a week ago but has had an extremely strong start, promising to become a hit in the gaming industry this year.

Source link: Hitman 3: In less than 10 seconds, players pass the first level
– Emergenceingames.com

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