Dota 2: How to play Beastmaster 7.30 in MinD_ContRoL . style

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This is a guide to playing Beastmaster by xuisoko on Reddit. You can watch his video tutorial:

1. Time to summon Boar

Summoning the Boar at the right time is very important. Boar has a cooldown of 42 seconds at level 1, ie:

  • You can use two boars at the same time for 18 seconds (level 1)
  • You can use this time to win runes
  • Win First Blood
  • Gain ranged creep of the first wave.

To win runes:

  1. Summon first boar at 0:43
  2. Summon a second boar at 0:01 (just before the clock hits 0)

To get the first ranged creep with two Boars:

  1. Summon a second boar between 0:01 and 0:10 (after creeps have started and runes have spawned)
  2. Summon the third boar as soon as possible between 0:42 and 0:52

Usually the first ranged creep will die between 50 seconds and 1 minute, depending on whether the player pulls aggro or not.

2. MinD_ContRoL uses boar to:

  • Continuously harassing pos 5 of the enemy
  • Takes protection from creeps, before he gets Helm of Iron Will (Armor + Heal)
  • Block camp
  • Snipe courier (kill chicken)
  • Last hit

3. Starter Item

Quelling Blade and Tango. It’s over! He rushes Helm of Iron Will and Helm of Overlord (HOTD 2) afterwards.

4. Up items

  1. HOTD 2 (always get Helm of the Dominator before Vlads)
  2. Casual shoes
  3. Solar Crest
  4. Boots of Travel / Blink (go to Blink first if you believe the game will end soon, because you need to gain an advantage in teamfights. Go to Travel when you think you need to split push and can prolong the game, although this is a bit greedy. but allows you to farm faster and get rat).
  5. Blink / Boot of Travel (depending on whether item 4 is BoT or Blink)
  6. Shard
  7. Luxury Item (BKB, Octarine, Refresher Orb, Lotus, whatever the team needs)

MinD_ContRoL doesn’t boot against HOTD2 unless he’s up against Juggernaut/Monkey King or some other hero that can chase him.

5. Skill Up

All players ranked 8k and above have the following skills:


Beastmaster Dota 2 Wallpaper - Emergenceingame

6. Gameplay Analysis

  1. Powerspike 1 (powerspike roughly means the moment of overwhelming strength) – Helm of Iron Will. When acquiring this item, take damage from creeps with a hero instead of a boar. Attack the opponent and drown the opponent’s pos 5 to death. Beastmaster needs to position himself diagonally from the enemy pos 5 so that when the opponent hits Beastmaster through the creep line, it will cause them to break the creep order and take a lot of damage.
  2. Powerspike 2 – HOTD completed + lvl 6. You can almost solo kill anyone at this point. Capture a Troll Summoner or Centaur with a stun.
  3. Powerspike 3 – Helm of Overlord. Should capture ancient golem, it increases HP by 15% for the whole team, helps you to push 5 people snowball.

Beastmaster’s Powerspike is heavily dependent on when he gets to Helm of the Dominator. But overall, it’s very easy to do.

At around 7 minutes, you should be level 6, or close to level 6, and have HOTD. When HOTD is available, kill pos 5 or carry and take the turret with two boars. Put the hawk in the jungle area near the tower, the enemy’s position will be TP. Remember to ward the enemy jungle, where mid can rotate to defend the turret.

Most pos 3 heroes after taking the safelane turret will switch to their safelane turret and the carry rotates to a lane with no turrets. However…


After taking turret 1, you don’t change to safelane like other pos 3 heroes. You move back and forth between offlane and mid, stealing all of the enemy’s jungle. Repeat until util. When you have the util, use it to gank mid and join the teamfight.

Since the article is quite long, but we are still not halfway through the tutorial, you can watch more YouTube videos for more details.

8. What else is in the video:

  • Guide the entire laning phase
  • Beastmaster moving around the early game map
  • How to fight without ult
  • How to fight when there is an ult (target on someone)
  • When to eat Roshan
  • How to RAT with Ancient + Solar Crest
  • When to buy Travel instead of Blink and vice versa
  • When to buy what item?

Summary: Go to overlord first, don’t need shoes, take turrets, farm the enemy jungle, win the game.

You can support xuisoko by subscribing to his YouTube channel or following him on Reddit. You can read more of his tutorials below:

Source link: Dota 2: How to play Beastmaster 7.30 in MinD_ContRoL . style

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