Tips to help you save money in Hearthstone

Tips to help you save money in Hearthstone

In Hearthstone, in addition to the headaches as well as climbing the rank and improving the level, so does owning the cards, here are some tips to help you save money in Hearthstone.

Craft cards accurately, control yourself, and the game won’t take too much of your wallet.

There have been many articles about the cost of Hearthstone, but most of them focus on nagging rather than finding solutions to reduce the burden on players. Because of this cost and the negative effects surrounding it, many players have been unable to continue with Hearthstone. To be able to experience the game in the best way with the lowest cost, you can refer to the shares below.

First, let’s be frank about the cost of the game. If your goal is to have all the cards in your collection (2 cards each common, rare, and epic, and 1 card each legendary), you’ll have to invest a lot of money or time. The cost for a full collection of standard cards ranges from $1,700 to $2,000, assuming you’re cash only and starting from zero.

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From personal experience, you can completely play to a high level without spending such a large amount of money. Many long-time players have no trouble owning the top meta decks in either Standard or Wild, and that’s because you don’t need most of the cards in Hearthstone.

Let’s take Knights of the Frozen Throne as a good example, as it is the latest update. The most expensive cards in the game are the epic and legendary cards, so let’s see how many of them are widely played.


Among the epic cards of 9 neutrals and 18 classes, this list includes Skulking Geist, Corpsetaker, Ultimate Infestation and Obsidian Statue. In which the first two cards are only played in a few cases, Ultimate Infestation in Ramp Druid and Jade Druid decks, and the last card only appears in Big Priest. You can think of crafting 7 epics (as Geist usually only needs one card – if you’ve played one the second card is pretty much useless in all cases), but in reality you don’t need to craft anything if you don’t. play those Druid or Priest decks. Therefore, you need less than 47 to 54 Epic cards and still play perfectly fine (about 21000 dust respectively).

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The Legendary Prince Keleseth card has been a phenomenon in the recent Hearthstone meta, but if the Kobolds & Catacombs expansion features really powerful 2-mana cards, maybe the second prince will become less popular. great number of.

Of the 5 neutral cards and 18 cards of the Legendary class, only about 6-8 are commonly played, including Prince Keleseth, The Lich King, Shadowreaper Anduin, Malfurion the Pestilent, etc., and most of them belong to a class and even Not even needed to play that class. Assuming you want all the popular Legendary cards as well as the odd ones, you still only need about half of this expansion’s total Legendary (about 24000 dust).

Obviously most cards of an expansion hardly appear in Ranked. In the gosu experience, you only need a third of the cards in any expansion to build every deck in the meta.

Let’s take a look at the free sources of revenue if you don’t want to spend money on Hearthstone:

  • One classic pack per week can be obtained from Tavern Brawl
  • 0.5 pack from playing every day
  • About 10 packs when the new expansion comes out (as the case may be)
  • Add dust equivalent to 4 packs when new expansion is available
  • Add dust equivalent to 4 packs if you reach rank 5 every month
  • Some more packs from player voting at major tournaments

There are three updates per year, so you will have about 330 packs if you get to rank 5 regularly. Not to mention the amount of gold you earn every day, a total of up to 365 more packs, and even earn packs and earn money from Arena if you play this game well. Of course not everyone can play every day, but all in all, 330 free packs per year is a fair amount of packs if you’re only playing every three days to complete the quest. If you play more and play well in Ranked or Arena, that number easily increases to 400 – 500 packs.

While that may not get you all the strong hands of all classes, it does get you pretty close to this goal. Anyway, if you have conditions, you can invest a little, but that is quite expensive for players with no conditions.

No matter what, there are still many players who don’t want to spend even a little bit of money on Hearthstone (F2P), some just want to spend a small amount of money. To make saving even easier, here are a few tips for you to minimize the amount of money on this game:

Tip #1: Don’t focus on all classes

There are classes that we are most impressed with and spend more time with (for me Warrior – I have played most of the Warrior decks so far and still love them). It would be great to have every deck of the meta, but that will cost you a lot of money. Decide in advance which class you like to play and focus on investing in it.

It’s certainly disappointing if you can’t craft a deck that’s at the top of the meta, but if you’re only going to play it a few matches, it’s not worth your two kidneys at all.

That doesn’t mean you should give away all the cards of the classes you don’t play, you should keep them because after a while you will accumulate enough to play that class. But anyway, focusing on fewer classes saves you a lot of money every time a new expansion comes out.

Tip #2: There are very few cards of the “must craft” type

There are few cards that are better than possible alternatives. For example, not many Rogue class decks don’t play Edwin VanCleef (except for Mill Rogue and Quest Rogue probably). However, there are almost always cheaper options that affect the game and work close to the optimal cards.

While it’s impossible to play Raza Priest without Raza the Chained, Kazakus or Shadowreaper Anduin, the cards that really shape a deck’s strategy (and they’re quite expensive) are often not many. You don’t need cards like Shaku, the Collector, Leeroy Jenkins or even Prince Keleseth to achieve positive results with a very strong deck today, Tempo Rogue. Maybe you’d love to have Dr. Boom or Patches the Pirate, but those cards often have a strong place in many different decks, many different classes.

Just because you can’t craft exactly every commonly used card in a deck doesn’t usually mean you can’t play that deck at all. If you want to save some money, replace the cards you don’t have with cards of similar quality. Usually your win rate won’t be seriously affected if you use the right substitute cards. Comparing and contrasting versions of the same deck gives you valuable experience, helping you see exactly which cards are irreplaceable and which can be replaced. easy. Ray “Blisterguy” Walkinshaw helps clear this up with some charts, which you can see as an example of a Tempo Rogue deck.

Tip #3: Don’t spend too much money on a set of cards

When you open the first pack of a set, you always add to your collection 5 new cards that you don’t have yet, 100% that’s it. Each pack you open then gradually reduces that rate. If you watch other people (or yourself) open multiple packs, you may notice that, around the 50th pack, the odds of new cards appearing drop dramatically. This is when 40 dust began to appear in droves :v

The profit you get from opening packs is decreasing, so every time you open a pack, the value of the pack then decreases a bit until you’ve unlocked all the cards you already have. At some point, you should stop buying more packs of the old expansion and save money for the next expansion. Simply new packs will bring higher value.

If you want the cheapest Hearthstone possible – to maximize your return on investment – ​​you need to put some effort into controlling yourself and saving up for the new expansion after opening a decent amount of old packs. . You may not have all the cards you want in that expansion, but that 100 gold will be worth more for the future, and save them, instead of constantly going to the store every time you have enough gold to save money. buy a pack.

Tip #4: Wait to craft

636591521684409521 - EmergenceingameOnce the meta stabilized, Bonemare became one of Hearthstone’s strongest neutral commnon cards, appearing in many of the top decks in the meta.

Again, patience is very important. In an expansion there are always cards that are initially appreciated but end up not being played at all. If you craft them as soon as the expansion comes out, you may have wasted your precious resources.

Similarly, some underrated cards end up being incredibly strong. If you disenchant them on the first day, you’ll probably have to re-craft them 4 times more expensive (for legendary and epic), 5 times (for rare) and 8 times (for common). For example, if you dust Prince Keleseth because people think it’s trash, you might end up crafting it again and cost 1200 dust, which is about 12 packs or a week of plowing.

Wait for the meta to stabilize before you decide which important cards to craft. The longer you wait, the more certain you will be of good cards, cards that are worthy of investment.

Tip #5: Avoid playing weird decks

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What about testing new decks? Isn’t that one reason Heartstone is so interesting?

Sorry guys, but we’ve all seen streams of weird, crappy decks that look good even though they might not be. Have you ever looked at the meta report, which decks are being played popularly each week and seen the column for the most played unfamiliar decks? No, there isn’t.

Decks that look fantastic or unique but don’t deliver real results are usually pretty bad investments, as winning is a hugely important part of the game for most players. Players who experiment with meme decks often don’t play them for long because after a short while, their special, interesting and unique points gradually disappear and you keep getting unexpected results.

The lesson to be learned here is that every crafting decision has its price. For example, if you craft two Meat Wagon cards with 800 dust and only play them for an afternoon, that’s no different than you have 8 packs less on the next expansion. If you’re having a hard time pursuing playing at a high level, untested ideas won’t be a reliable investment to keep you happy while playing Hearthstone.

Tip #6: Look for discounts from Amazon coins

Simply put, this is Amazon’s offer for Coin owners, helping to reduce prices when buying in-game items.

Source: PCGamer

Source link: Tips to help you save money in Hearthstone

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