Instructions for optimal configuration for Call of Duty Warzone

Top súng mạnh nhất Warzone trong season 5 sau nerf Bruen

Properly configured in Call of Duty Warzone can make a big difference in helping you win a 150-man battle royale battle. With the largest map in Call of Duty history, lots of vehicles, as well as diverse configurations, Warzone can be difficult for new players to catch up.

Call of Duty this time brings a lot of graphics, sound and gameplay configurations for players to customize until it feels right. Therefore, the best configuration really depends on personal opinion, this article will focus on general changes to give you an advantage in combat.


One thing that new Warzone players find the most annoying about battle royale is motion blur and film grain. So go to the menu, settings to turn off motion blur, and set the film grain to lowest. This way, it will be easier for you to spot enemies from a distance. Same goes for Filmic Strength and Depth of Field, turn them off for easier viewing. Finally, make sure the render resolution is 100 – a lot of new players say this is always changing, so check it every time you enter the game. Consider bringing Tessellation back to Near if you want to reduce distracting graphics effects.

If you’re after high FPS in Warzone, there are a few things you should turn off completely or leave low. First, set the refresh rate to your monitor’s maximum, and set the framerate limit to the same as your monitor’s. Some of the settings that can be reduced are texture resolution, shadow map resolution and cached shadows. Finally, if you’re only playing with one monitor and not streaming, make sure you’re running in Fullscreen mode.

Call of Duty Warzone configuration


There are many sound profiles for you to choose from and they have their pros and cons. First, make sure you use headphones.

Among the sound options, the article recommends choosing Boost High as the best configuration because it increases the volume and accuracy of important sounds like gunfire and footsteps. Footsteps are louder in Boost Low, but it also increases background noise, distracting you. While other audio profiles may sound better, it makes it more difficult to recognize the exact location and sound.


We won’t go into every detail of this because it’s so varied, even on a professional level. Instead, the article will give some tips for some important points for you to customize.

Starting with mouse sensitivity, you should keep it between 3 and 6 with a mouse with a dpi of 400. Modern Warfare has always focused on agile movements and instant reactions so being able to hover the mouse into combat has always been a focus. defense in all situations is very important. You will find that you miss a lot if you keep your mouse sensitivity low, because the character cannot turn 180 degrees and shoot back. Leave all other sensitivities at 1:1 to ensure stability. However, you may want to lower your mouse sensitivity for moving vehicles.

ADS sensitivity is important since most gunfights take place in this perspective. As above, it depends on personal preference, but the most comfortable design is based on the size of the computer screen. Specifically, the multipler at 1.7 works great, and you want the transition to be set to instant, and the coefficient to be 1.33. That ensures players can change perspective quickly, because Warzone has a lot of fights taking place between constantly moving objects: You have to react quickly to the ability to slide, run, as well as change direction. surprise of the opponent.

Call of Duty Warzone configuration

As for mouse acceleration, smoothing and filtering: set them to zero or turn them off – you want your mouse configuration to do exactly what you’re doing when hovering.

As for moving, choose tape to slide so you can slide and stop sliding quickly, having good control of your own speed. Automatic airborne mantle saves you from having to remember much, but make sure you know the mantle system well.

Regarding weapons and equipment, make sure you have the depletion ammo weapon switch turned on with a delay of 0 seconds. This only saves you in the event that the gun clears the bullets in the ice, but with Warzone, this situation happens very often. Make sure weapon mount is toggle, weapon mount movement exit is enabled and delay is 0. ADS and equipment should be on Hold.

Source link: Instructions for optimal configuration for Call of Duty Warzone

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