Tutorial: How to avoid tilt in Dota 2, how SumaiL came back

Tutorial: How to avoid tilt in Dota 2, how SumaiL came back

In part three of xuisoko’s Immortal climbing guide, we’ll talk about being ’tilt’. Tilt can be understood as when you can’t play at your best because of bad influences in the game, usually at the beginning of the game, like a constant feed, being cursed by teammates, arguing. You can see more in his YouTube video.

In the video, xuisoko points out highlights in a game of SumaiL, where SumaiL died early in the game 5 times in a row.


1. If feed, mute teammates and enemies

In the match mentioned above, SumaiL muted everyone when he started the feed.

If you die 2-3 or 4 times in carry or mid, people will start to flame you (blame). Mute your teammates before they tilt you and then it’s your turn to tilt them.

Once you’ve come back a bit, you can unmute non-toxic teammates, so you can communicate with them. If there’s something important to say, use voice. Remember, you are not muted, they are the ones who are muted.

And even if your teammates are the most honest people in the world, you should still mute them to avoid tilting yourself from a single ping. Just a small thing like that can help you go against the tide and win the game.

2. Don’t remember your mistakes, focus on avoiding them in the future

Have you ever felt like you shouldn’t have gone into that wave of creeps to farm, but still went into the farm and died? Maybe everyone, everyone has encountered this. Trust your instincts and avoid making mistakes.

Don’t think too much about why you lost lane. You will have the opportunity to do it after the match is over and review the replay, to improve yourself later. For now, let’s focus on winning the game.

3. Don’t talk about what happened in the past with the team. Do not flame. Plan to play with the team

When trying to tell teammates: don’t die noob, don’t feed, etc… after they just died, surely no one will listen and cooperate with you. Instead, these people will tilt and start flame you, or in worse cases, destroy the game, not even playing anymore.

So instead of flame, plan to play with the team: “Hey Tide, we can switch lanes, I can go lane with Ursa and you go with Mars.” Give your teammates solutions, not criticism. “I think Force Staff will help you” will be a better contribution than the rhetorical question “What did you buy the Desolator for?”

4. Are you toxic?

Check your opendota profile and behavior score. If you feel like you often use the word toxic, perhaps the problem in most games is with you.

Tilting teammates and breaking unity often make us lose more, no matter how well you play yourself in Dota 2.

5. Constantly losing? Try this tip!

If you’re on a losing streak, scroll down the list of played games and find a game where you completely overwhelm your opponent 1v5.

  • Most of the losing circuit is due to a temporary loss of self-confidence.
  • Regain confidence by revisiting a game where you destroyed your opponent.

6. Play Ranked on the weekend = prepare to lose more MMR

At least this is true of the author’s experience. When playing on weekends, I often encounter teammates who can’t play Dota during the week.

They are busy with work, school, etc and now only have enough time for 1 game. They will try, but as soon as that person dies the game is probably over. They will have an unbelievable tilt.

Maybe your weekend experience will be different, but personally I would avoid playing on Saturday and Sunday.

7. Reward and Punish yourself after losing or winning

Method like this:

  1. If you play “core”, play core
  2. If you win, continue to play that position
  3. If you lose, queue all roles
  4. If you win “all role”, play core again
  5. If you lose, close Dota and rest.

Hope this article will help you in your MMR climbing journey.

You can support xuisoko by subscribing to his YouTube channel or following him on Reddit. You can read more of his tutorials below:

Also, here’s a related Dota 2 Tutorial:

Source link: Tutorial: How to avoid tilt in Dota 2, how SumaiL came back
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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