CSGO: A guide to perfect site A in Dust 2

CSGO: A guide to perfect site A in Dust 2

Dust 2 is the most played map in CSGO as well as one of the other difficult maps to play. Dust 2 can be a disaster if you don’t have a good aim and don’t know how to use the utility effectively. This makes teamwork extremely important in Dust 2 – but this is something that is not always available in matchmaking. Dust 2 is designed to let AWPers shine, requiring the opposing team to know how to use utility if they want to overcome these ADCs. Therefore, with just a few smokes and molotovs, the Dust 2 tutorial can make the difference between winning and losing on CSGO’s most popular map.

With this setup, the team needs two smokes, one molotv, one flashbang, and one HE grenade. To enter A short safely, have your teammates throw a smoke catwalk. Throwing in the image below will drop to the Xbox, blocking the view of the AWPer behind the mid door as well as any CTs trying to push from the B tunnel to the mid.

CSGO Huong dan danh A Dust 2 hoan hao - Emergenceingame

Move into A short and prepare the molotov to throw in the goose wing. With this molotov, align your crosshair down the crack of the ladder and look up at the window, as shown below. Run and throw the molotov so that it burns the area CT can hide in the goose.

CSGO Huong dan danh A Dust 2 hoan hao 1 - Emergenceingame

After clearing this angle, we continue to smoke one-way. Stay in the middle of the iron door and look to the opposite wall. Place your crosshair slightly to the right of the crack, as shown below. Left click and throw smoke. This smoke will drop at the edge and block enemy vision from A site.

CSGO Huong dan danh A Dust 2 hoan hao 2 - Emergenceingame

This smoke creates a shooting advantage for T, making it easier to push the site. And yet, there is a small angle in the smoke that gives you a clear view of the A-long car. This peak angle will help you defeat anyone standing short with AWP.

This dust 2 tutorial allows T to knock out nearly all of CT’s defensive positions used to block catwalks. You can also throw nade through smoke to the right of the car to ensure your safety. Once these areas are cleared, throw the flashbang to the left to blind everyone on A.

Here is a video on how to beat Dust 2 specifically:

Now is the time to unleash your shooting skills. Gadget is sure to expose enemies for the duel to begin. Happy climbing!

You can read more tutorials on the same CSGO topic:

Source link: CSGO: A guide to perfect site A in Dust 2
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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