Dota 2: Instructions for handling Tinker

Dota 2: Instructions for handling Tinker

Tinker is a very annoying late game hero, especially if the controller is good, it will make the opposing team feel extremely stuck. With hard carry Agility on the way back, it’s obvious that greedy counters are back in the meta as well. Therefore, today’s article will guide you through several ways to deal with Tinker.


One of the biggest problems for Tinker, like Broodmother or Meepo, this is the last pick in the draft. Sometimes Tinker is picked in the second draft of the All Pick, but this makes it easier for the team to handle Tinker. In general, even if you don’t pick the hero to fight Tinker, the game still has an answer to handle Tinker, but not absolutely. This article will focus on games where Tinker was the last pick and we didn’t anticipate or prepare for this.

First, let’s talk about what makes Tinker upset. There are many aspects that make us feel powerless against Tinker. Tinker has:

  • High mobility throughout the map
  • High damage all game
  • Constantly putting pressure on lanes all over the map
  • Endless disable and 100% blind
  • Many ways to prevent the opponent from opening combat with Blink
  • The high ground player is annoying

Each of these problems has a solution, and depending on the team’s draft, these may be more prominent, but this article will list them all.


March of the Machines is a powerful farming tool and one of the most annoying spells you’ll have to deal with when you want to start a fight with Blink or try to push high ground. Therefore, Pipe of Insight is one of the important items to have when meeting Tinker. We also have an Eternal Shroud option, but it is only suitable for heroes that use a lot of mana.

Pipe of Insight should be up early and used a lot to get the advantage as soon as possible. Usually, the longer the game, the harder it is to handle Tinker: Tinker mana will be more and can be more diverse items. Limiting the map space is an absolute must if you want to succeed, and getting Pipe can at least help the team win Tier 2 towers.

Rush straight Pipe to counter the aspects mentioned at the beginning of the article. It limits Tinker’s map-wide mobility, by causing the creep wave to move deeper into enemy territory with constant push. It mitigates some of the damage mid-game. It allows heroes to initiate fights with Blink through March of the Machines and sometimes allows to push high ground early.

The article recommends that you build this item in the hero position 3 to initiate combat. This way helps Pipe up as soon as possible and will be effective in opening teamfights.

Tinker Dota 2 Wallpaper - Emergenceingame


Tinker can deal massive amounts of damage, but it’s CC (crowd control) ability that is what makes the hero uncomfortable in the late game. Tinker kills most heroes in 1v1 situations, so don’t let that happen.

First – use the team system. Support standing close when the carry is farming in a dangerous area or in the lane should be the default setup. A stun can reverse the gank. Tinker players often chase heroes into the woods, this is when the hero loses sight of the enemy. Take advantage of this loss of visibility.

Second, build reasonable defensive items for support. Lotus Orb is required at the end of the game. Not only does it dispel the blind from Laser, but it also forces Tinker to BKB, giving your carry a relatively safe time. Going to Eul’s is also a very good choice, can be used actively. If the game goes into SUPER late, Wind Waker could be the next item up.

Sometimes, players should keep a few wards for superior vision in a certain area. Placing at least 3 wards where the fight will happen will help handle Tinker easily.

Don’t forget about core defense items too. Manta Style is great, but later on, BKB is still more necessary. If you get lasers, don’t forget Satanic has a dispel. With super-buff heroes, going to Heart of Tarrasque ensures your health will be more than the amount of mana Tinker can spam.

Applying these steps, you can reduce the damage and disable Tinker’s constant inflicted on the team. However, remember to pick up the items at the right time. Tinker’s teammates often drag farming because Tinker takes all the farm around the map, but if the game lasts longer than 45 minutes, even a poor carry farm becomes a formidable threat.


This is general advice, but it’s one of the most important points when dealing with Tinker: Think through your options, figure out the problem, and get it right. In low-rank pubs, knowing how to play independently and handle it yourself is equally important. Make sure the team can depend on you, especially if you play support, but don’t rely too much on the team.

Many popular heroes today have multiple ways of dealing with Tinker. Luna and the green stick, Terrorblade with Tinkber and Terror Wave, Winter Wyvern with the Night Vision talent, etc. We don’t have to follow the default build to create great benefits for the whole team. The most popular build is often the most effective, but with a good Tinker, you have to adapt and adjust if you want to win.

So what do you think of Tinker? Is there any other advice you would like to give to this hero, after the draft is over? Please share in the comments section at the end of the post.

According to dotabuff

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