With exactly 1 blood left, Dragon Ball FighterZ female gamer still turned the tide

GameHubVN Con dung 1 mau nu game thu Dragon Ball FighterZ van lat nguoc the co 11 - Emergenceingame

Is one female gamer Working in a world full of men would be extremely difficult. As a female gamer playing in a professional tournament, being cornered and leaving her character with only 1 blood… must have faced a hundred thousand times more challenging than that. But Dawn Hosie or famous through nicknames Yohosiestill calmly overcome all before the surprise of the whole audience.

Female gamer Dawn Hosie.

Yohosie’s story begins with the tournament match Combo Breaker 2018 Round 2 when she faced SQ. There, even though Yohosie did a lot of damage to the enemy team, she also lost herself Gotenks, an extremely important character in his tactics. This puts Yohosie in a difficult position because there is only Kid Buuwhile she still had to face the enemy’s 2 Saiyan warriors Gohan and Bardock. Not only that, SQ’s Bardock also showed that he was very in form when he constantly pressed Kid Buu to the end of the ring. Yohosie’s path to glory was thought to be over when Kid Buu was hit by the palm of his hand, making the health bar only 1 line. Right now, just a little trick is enough to see this female gamer back to the audience seat.


However, the moment of bad luck moved to when SQ decided to let Gohan replace “grandfather”. However, not long after setting foot in the ring, Gohan was immediately overwhelmed by Kid Buu, using a series of consecutive spells to see him off to the stage. With Gohan defeated, Bardock immediately returned to the battlefield and left the audience breathless when he acted out a cat and mouse scene with Kid Buu.


Every time Bardock unleashes a blow, Kid Buu locks that attack, deftly evading danger before Goku’s father can finish the game. Until the moment when it seemed that the heart rate of the audience and the BLV could not be higher, Yohosie suddenly let Kid Buu counterattack, marking the first time she took the initiative. Immediately SQ wobbled, causing Bardock to fall into a continuous Combo storm and receive an extremely bitter defeat against this female player with only 1 blood line left.

Source link: With exactly 1 blood left, Dragon Ball FighterZ female gamer still turned the tide
– Emergenceingames.com

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