What is ECMA Script and how is Javascript related to it?

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Among many current programming languages ​​such as C++, PHP, Javascript, … also ECMA Script is a command line language similar to Javascript and the application is similar. So what is ECMA Script and how does Javascript relate to it? Let’s find out with Emergenceingames.com in the article below.

At first JavaScript name is, has a name which is Mocha and later changed to Livescript and finally set to JavaScript. The important thing here, however, is that JavaScript came before ECMAscript and “history” will tell you why.

JavaScript originally got its name from Java and the “father” of JavaScript was Brendan Eich – who was asked to develop a Java-like language for the Netscape web browser.

What is the ecma script and what is the related javascript?

What is ECMA Script and how is Javascript related to it?

However, Java is so complex that it requires setting up a simpler language that even beginners can code.

And after the new language was created, Netscape’s marketing team asked Sun to allow them to name the language JacvaScript for advertising purposes. And that is also the reason why most users who have never used JavaScript never think that JavaScript is related to Java.

About 1 or 2 years after the release of JavaScript on the browser, Microsoft’s IE browser took back the language and started creating its own language called JScript. At that time, IE “dominated” the market and not long after Netscape had to close its project.

Before Netscape went downhill, they decided to create a new standard to “standardize” JavaScript, and this standard was called ECMAScript .

Before that Netscape had released several versions of ECMAScript and in 1999 ECMAScript 3 was released – the last version before Netscape went into “hibernation” for the next 10 years.

During the past 10 years, Microsoft has “dominated” the entire market and it is also constantly improving its products. As a result, the Firefox browser was “born”, followed by a series of other browsers such as Chrome and Opera.

ECMAScript 4 version has been “forgotten”. ECMAScript version 5 was released in 2009 with outstanding features such as Strict Mode. ECMAScript 6 was released in 2015, and the latest version of ECMAScript 7 was released last year.

You can consult a list of a wide range of CMAScript 6 features by visiting HERE. Alternatively you can also start writing Ecmascript 6 the same way you do with CoffeeScript and use a compiler to compile Ecmascript 6 down to Ecmascript 5.

There are also a number of other languages ​​that deserve attention such as ActionScript – used for Flash.

Most computers today are installed with Java to support running many different programs and games, in case when you want to install certain software but report a Java error, quickly download Java and install it on your computer. it’s my own.

On browsers that have built-in JavaScript, these command lines help you browse the web smoother and safer, but in many cases you don’t want JavaScript to run in the background in the browser, with enabling Java on Chrome will help you manage. better JavaScript language, refer to how to enable Java on Chrome, Firefox for more details.

With the game MineCraft, users must definitely install Java on their computer to be able to play MineCraft, downloading Java to play MineCraft is also quite simple, you just need to download Java to Taimienphi and finish, if you don’t understand, the Please refer to how to download Java to play MineCraft that we have introduced.

Source link: What is ECMA Script and how is Javascript related to it?
– Emergenceingames.com

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