Top most “rejected” generals in League of Legends 9.20 but everyone should try

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In each version of League of Legends, there are a lot of champion changes when champion balance after each version is the most important thing. League of Legends always has meta champions with outstanding power and is used a lot, but there are also champions that no one wants to play. Here are the Top least used generals in League of Legends version 9.20.

In League of Legends, there are many different generals with unique skills, but not all champions are loved. Sometimes because they form too bad or they are so weak right now that no one wants to play.

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The most rejected generals right now

Top champions rarely used in League of Legends 9.20

5. Kog’Maw

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Being a super strong marksman in the late game with the ability to shoot according to % of the enemy’s health along with long range makes Kog’Maw’s ability to deal extremely powerful. However, Kog’Maw requires players to have extremely good skills in kite flying, not to mention that Kog’Maw’s power only really comes into play when he has 3 to 4 equipment or more. But raising Kog’Maw is extremely difficult when this champion has no skills to help protect himself and will easily become prey for champions who are extremely mobile today.

4. Maokai

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Since being nerfed a lot, along with the meta change when the top lane is now the land of high-damage champions, Maokai has gradually disappeared from the Rift. The skill set is predictable, with a lot of control, but too little damage and poor mobility makes Maokai no longer used by players too much. Currently, Maokai is only occasionally picked in the bot lane as a support, but very few people use Ghost Tree in the top lane.

3. Aurelion Sol

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Contrary to being extremely popular in the Teamfight Tactics, Aurelion Sol is extremely snubbed in the Colosseum. An overly predictable kit, low damage output, and extreme lack of mobility are the reasons why people no longer use Aurelion Sol in the mid lane. In matches, whether ranked or professional, Aurelion Sol almost completely disappears and is rarely chosen.

2. Tahm Kench

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From a top support, Tahm Kench was nerfed too heavily in saving his teammates. Currently when swallowing teammates Tahm Kench is slowed down a lot and almost only swallows to dodge skills but can’t move to a safe location. This directly killed Tahm Kench and indirectly eliminated the strategy of raising high damage but lack of mobility gunners like Varus or Kog’Maw. Some people have tried bringing Tahm Kench to the top lane or to the jungle, but the results are not positive because of the lack of mobility of this champion.

1. Skarner

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Skarner was completely removed from the jungle after the carnivorous junglers ascended to the throne so strong that he was completely left behind. Poor hand-to-hand ability, jungle clearing isn’t too fast, ganks are extremely predictable and easily countered by a 1300-money item like Alchemy Towel are the reasons Sharner is really disappearing from the scene. Arena of Justice when the current pick rate is only 0.8%. of Legends-9-20-53692n.aspx
These are the champions that are rarely used in League of Legends version 9.20. Another version on mobile is the most awaited today, you can see how to download and play League of Legends Wild Rift right here.

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It is only used in League of Legends 9.20

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Source link: Top most “rejected” generals in League of Legends 9.20 but everyone should try

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