Top 9 champions during the 3 seasons of Teamfight Tactics (P.2) top 9 tuong phe trong dtcl 12 - Emergenceingame

6. Elise – Season 1


As part of the legendary Transfiguration lineup of season 1, but Elise is one generals the faintest among the morphing generals. With the ability to transform into a spider and call for more baby spiders every time she transforms, Elise can only bully squads that deal single-target damage in the early game.

In the middle of the game, when 3-4 gold champions with the ability to deal large area damage appeared, she suddenly became pitifully weak and no longer caused any discomfort to the opponent.

7. Lissandra – Season 1


Despite being a 2 gold general in season 1 and possessing highly-anticipated skills, what Lissandra showed was not much. Although Riot successfully empowered this witch for a period of time and made her hot pick However, everything changed when she was balanced by Riot again.

With the ability to freeze opponents as well as freeze to heal herself if she falls to an alarming health level, Lissandra becomes a hybrid champion between resisting and dealing damage, but not really as strong as the generals. Knights are cheaper like Darius nice Garen. So in the whole season 1, Lissandra was underrated, but because there is clan beautiful and the price is not too expensive, so she still gets a lot of roll.

8. Rumble – Season 3


Although expected to be a 4 or 5 gold champion capable of shining with rockets, Riot’s design team stepped on the same path they had with Lissandra when they brought it. Teamfight Tactics – TFT a very faint Rumble.

Rumble’s ability doesn’t offer a decent amount of armor or even a stun without Zigg to combine the Blast. However, due to Riot’s favor for such an important but affordable clan, Rumble is always considered in Mechanized squads as well as when combined with Zigg in the Rebel – Outbreak squad.

9. Ornn – Season 2


If all clans always have extremely interesting and hegemonic abilities, the Thunder system is quite weak and is not often used as the main squad. Although Thunder also has super dangerous and very strong champions like Zed, Ornn is the complete opposite and quite faint in season 2.

The amount of damage is not too much with 1 champion 1 gold is something that everyone gamer predictable, but being a Guardian himself, but Ornn is not too buffalo is what makes many gamers find it difficult to understand. Besides, Ornn doesn’t have a beautiful race so this is probably the one weak generals The weakest and most unlucky in TFT all 3 seasons.​

Source link: Top 9 champions during the 3 seasons of Teamfight Tactics (P.2)

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