Top 10 strongest Standard Legendary cards in September 2017

Top 10 strongest Standard Legendary cards in September 2017

There are a total of 175 legendary cards in Hearthstone

Theoretically, legendary are the rarest and most powerful cards in the game. You can only insert 1 legendary card of each type into a deck, instead of 2 like in common, rare, or epic groups. The best legendary cards have the potential to turn the game upside down if shown on the board. The in-game metas as well as the groups of cards are determined by these extreme legendary cards.

But how do we distinguish which legenadry is the best? Which card is worth crafting the most? And which cards disappoint you (albeit legendary) when you unlock them?

Here is a list of the 10 best Legendary Monster Cards of Standard in Hearthstone right now.

10. SunKeeper Tarim

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Tarim started to have a place for himself since the Murloc Paladin deck was favored. In difficult situations, the ability to turn all minion decks into a 3 damage 3 health army is enough to make it extremely annoying.

It is this that makes Tarim very strong in changing the face of the game. Even when the card is used in a defensive position, turning the opponent’s minion cards to 3 damage 3 health, while Tarim’s self is Taunt so it will also cause the opponent a headache to think.

9. Tirion Fordring

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Tirion has been strong since the launch of Hearthstone. No matter how you play, it is hard to miss this extremely wonderful card. This card has both taunt plus Divine Shield, which makes it possible to dominate the match and block any opponent’s strategy. Although the warrior falls, the Ashbringer weapon is still there, Ashbringer will be activated after Tirion lies down, owning 5 damage for 3 turns. This is enough to pull the enemy’s health down by half.

8. The Lich King

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This is a card that just came out with the Knight of the Frozen Throne DLC. We don’t know how strong this card is, but right now it’s taking its toll.

According to HSReplay, The Lich King is present in almost 34% of all current decks. This shows that every 3 games 2 players use a deck with this card in it.

Possessing 8 damage 8 health and 8 mana to appear on the table, along with the ability to summon any Death Knight card every turn, it is too strong right now.

7. Barnes

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Barnes a seemingly normal looking card with the effect of copying any card in your hand. Nothing to say if it copies a 1 damage 1 health card, but it’s terrible if it can copy cards like Auctioneer, Y’shaarj, Ysera, Tirion… and many more. If you can combine a strong hand with Barnes, you can change the game drastically. And that’s what makes Barnes so powerful.

6. Kazakus

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When Kazakus first came out with the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan DLC, it was a hugely popular card.

It is strong because of the combination with the card Reno Jackson. This deck consists of individual cards that are already strong, now adding Kazakus is really hard to imagine.

But Kazakus had a few months without anyone touching when Reno was out of the meta and Kazakus alone couldn’t do anything. Until the arrival of the Priest hero card, with the power to refresh the hero’s strength, and so Kazakus returned and dominated once more. This card’s versatility is what makes it so powerful. It can be used for defense, change the face, or can be used to fight tigers.

5. Fandral Staghelm

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Fandral ranks in this top not because Druid is currently raging, but because it has been strong since its release with the Whispers of the Old Gods DLC until now. Currently, Druid is the hottest deck to date, along with the popularity of Fandral.

4. Bloodmage Thalnos

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There isn’t a Legendary card that looks more boring than Bloodmage Thalnos. But that doesn’t mean it’s weak. Thalnos possesses flexibility, magic damage and is suitable for almost all different classes and is very easy to peel off. It works well with Freeze Mage, Control Mage, aggressive decks, Druid and more. It is this that makes Thalnos always at the top and last forever.

3. Aya Blackpaw

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Aya Blackpaw is the strongest card in the Jade collection and is currently the most used in the Jade Druid deck.

It takes 6 mana to summon, having 3 health may not look so good. But owns up to 5 damge, along with the power to summon Jade Golem and if this Golem owns the power over 3 damage 3 health, it is extremely strong.

And when Aya Blackpaw lay down, a Jade Golem appeared again and its stats were stronger than the previous one. This is what makes Jade Druid make it so powerful snowball.

2. Patches the Pirate

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This is the Legendary card that everyone complains about. Patches owns the weakest of all legendary cards. But the ability it gives the deck even if you don’t need to play it is what makes Patches so great. In the first turns, it will put a lot of pressure on the table, and it will also make it easier for you to draw the cards you want.

1. Alexstraza

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Alexstrasza never upset anyone. Aya and Patches make every gamer go crazy, but Alexstrasza has real power.

Alexstrasza has the power to combine with any meta. This is most clearly seen as the Freeze Mage, which can put the enemy’s health down to 15 and combine with a magic damage combo to finish. But Alexstrasza can also go well with the Handlock deck, which is a deck that when you go against it gives you the feeling that 15 health is extremely important.

It may not be the most terrible or even the strongest card. But what it does to the Hearthstone decks is a lot, Alexstrasza is number one.

Source link: Top 10 strongest Standard Legendary cards in September 2017

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