Top 10 Iron Man cool moments that make fans ecstatic (P.2)

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In the superhero universe Marvelcan say Iron Man is one of the most iconic superheroes. There is hardly anyone who is both rich and handsome and righteous like him. As one of the founders of the group Avengers, Iron man also shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting the earth. Whether in the movie or comic version, Tony Stark can conquer the fans with the appeal of his personality. He has also achieved a lot of great “wonders” that very few people have so far surpassed. Here are the moments that Iron Man made fans love to death in the universe Marvel.

5. Thanos Great War

In a parallel universe in the Marvel universe, Iron Man, Spider Man, Hulk and Wolverine become a new generation of Fantastic Four. At that moment, they encountered the evil Thanos, who was using the infinity stones to destroy the earth. Iron Man has been assisted by the Celestials to return home to build a suit of armor to fight the villain head-on.


4. Battle “solo” with Hulk

In Avengers 2, Hulk was hypnotized by the Scarlet Witch and destroyed the entire city. At that time, Iron Man wore his Hulkbuster armor to fight a live battle with Hulk. This is an extremely intense and unique battle that makes the fans unable to take their eyes off. The fight is also the first time Iron Man has defeated the “green giant” Hulk, although only for the purpose of helping him calm down after being hypnotized.

3. Still fighting with Hulk

Just like in the movie, in the Comic version “World War Hulk”, Iron Man once had another equally intense battle with Hulk. At this point, Hulk’s anger has reached its peak, causing Hulk to reach his strongest state ever. But fortunately, “Iron Man” was also able to equip himself with a super powerful Hulkbuster, larger in size and higher in combat power.


2. Defeat the body of Phoenix Force

In Comic Avengers VS X-men, Phoenix Force rushes from space to attack Earth. All other superheroes have no way of dealing with it. At this point, Iron Man quickly created an armor called Phoenixbuster, which flew into the sky to block the Phoenix Force. Not only that, Iron Man also shattered the power of the Phoenix Force and caused Phoenix to shatter into many pieces.


1. Crafting Sol’s hammer

In Comic ‘Secret War’, all the alien empires gather together to destroy the Earth. At a time when all superheroes were in a state of mystery, out of control, Iron Man soon studied to create a powerful weapon – Sol’s hammer. This weapon can destroy an entire planet with only 2% of the glass fully charged, it is understandable how powerful its destructive power is. Although Iron Man built Sol’s hammer in urgent circumstances, but one shot it quickly destroyed the entire fleet of alien forces.


Source link: Top 10 Iron Man cool moments that make fans ecstatic (P.2)

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