Tips to defend in the game Boom Beach effectively

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Possessing the same gameplay as the previously released Clash of Clans brother, but Boom Beach is equipped with a more advanced and modern weapon system, making it even more attractive for this strategy game. Join the game, you will become a talented commander, build and protect your island against the attack of other players.

Boom Beach not only attracts players by endless battles, but when playing the game, you also accumulate for yourself the secrets of battle defense, the ability to build a solid wall, how to protect resources effectively. …

There are many gamers who neglect to defend or defend improperly, giving the opponent the opportunity to destroy the island that you have worked so hard to build. That’s why, today will share extremely effective defense tips in the game Boom Beach in the article below, invite you to follow along:

The defensive weapon system in the game Boom Beach

To plan an effective defense, you first need to build a solid defense system, understand the characteristics of each defensive weapon, and then arrange them so that you can protect the main house from many other directions. together:

  • Boom Mine and Mine (mine): Place a few Boom Mines and normal mines around the main house to protect from the infantry.
  • Boom Cannon: Is the most effective defense tower to cope with the onslaught of tanks. There is a possibilityThe damage is large, but the recovery time is long. Very useful for individual targets, able to counter enemy typeseavy and troops with great armor.
  • Flamethrower (flamethrower): An effective assistant in destroying a large number of infantry at close range. However, they were powerless against tanks.
  • Machine Gun (machine gun): This gun also has the same effect as Flamthrowers, but effective at mid-range.
  • Mortal (mortar) and Rocket Launcher (missile launcher): Specialized in ranged attacks. Although the reload time is very long, it is very useful in destroying tanks and units with a large amount of health or armor.
  • Sniper Tower (sniper tower): Can cause personal damage, so scattered sniper towers in your defense.

Types of defensive weapons in Boom Beach

After studying the characteristics of each defensive weapon, you will have a reasonable defense strategy for your island from the opponent’s attack. Here are a few defensive tips in Boom Beach is extremely effective, invite you to follow along:

How to defend effectively in the game Boom Beach

Reasonable project allocation

Cannons and defensive buildings are effective assistants to help you defend effectively, but you need to allocate defenses a bit, because placing too close to cannons will destroy all those buildings without taking too many shots, triggern placed too far apart, protection will be difficult. Therefore, it is best to place low-range defensive turrets next to the main house, followed by good long-range defensive turrets placed in the middle.

Dig a big hole in the middle of the forest and place the main house in the center, surrounded by other buildings. Let’s spread bombs and mines evenly on the way to the main house, arrange the houses without a single pillar in line with the main house, so put the economists with a large area on the entrance such as: Irone Mine, Sawmill or Quarry.

Reasonable allocation of defensive works

Arrange the machine guns and flamethrowers close to the main house, place the 2 anesthetic guns far apart so that the enemy has to spend energy to electrify many times. If you do so, you can rest assured that it is very difficult for the enemy to destroy your main house.

Hide defense system

Mortars and rockets will work better if you place them behind trees. This will make it much harder for the enemy to reach them.

Hide the defense system in Boom Beach

Use mines effectively

Mines will explode when enemy troops get close, place mines in unexpected places like behind the S-turretniper, in the bushes, behind the Magma Masterpieces or at the radar, when the radar rotates can be detected. Effective landmine placement will give you an edge to win the game.

Use mines in Boom Beach effectively

Video tutorial on how to defend in the game Boom Beach

So you have learned effective defense tips to protect your beautiful island from the enemy’s bullets. In addition, to build your army so powerful, where to win, you need learn the types of troops in Boom Beach, to exert their maximum power.

And if you are a lover of the empire game, want to experience it on your computer, you can refer to some of the following games: Age of Empires, Virtual Villagers: A New Home, Elite Forces: Warfare… for entertainment after hours of study, as well as stressful work.

Have fun playing the game!

Source link: Tips to defend in the game Boom Beach effectively

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