Tips to avoid detection in PUBG

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Avoiding detection in PUBG will greatly increase your chances of surviving and winning the survival game. And this is definitely a trick you can’t ignore if you want to become a master in the FPS Battle Royale strategy game.

Information in PUBG is very important, if being discovered by other players in PUBG will give you a huge disadvantage because they can run around you, and destroy you in the most unexpected way. Here are some tips that will help you hide under the enemy’s radar, avoiding detection when hiding in PUBG.

Trick to hide, avoid being detected by the enemy

Tips to avoid detection while hiding in PUBG

1. Choose a suitable hiding spot
Always choose locations that don’t put you in danger. Try to eliminate places that could make you vulnerable, by constantly moving from one hiding place to another, taking advantage of the terrain to do so. To do this correctly, you need to guess where the enemy will come from by using your experience or clues like gunfire, cars, open doors. In the following circle, there will likely be enemies coming from different angles. Try to pay attention to Feed Kill and listen for gunfire to know which direction will pose more threats to you, plan to prepare for that situation.

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2. Use the right outfit to hide
The first thing you need to take care of is your clothes, the map in PUBG has bright colors, so avoid wearing costumes that contrast with the ground and woods in the game. Second, try to avoid illuminated areas like white walls or white stone. Instead, keeping yourself in the dark will make it harder for enemies to see you. Also, try to use crouch whenever possible.

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3. Do not make noise, attract attention
Try to make as little noise as possible. First, don’t shoot if you don’t kill your target. Because then, you will attract other players in the area to your position, the risk of being destroyed is very high if playing in Solo mode. If you’re trying to sneak into a house with players in it, try to keep your noise low by going light, crouching on foot so enemies can’t hear you coming.

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Above are some tips to avoid detection in PUBG that we want to give to readers, which can make you survive longer or quietly destroy enemies by surprise. Shooting at people in moving cars PUBG is a good trick to help you knock down your target from a distance when they are moving at high speed.

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meowing pictures are showing up in PUBG


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