Things to know about the starting Pokemon trio of the year-end blockbuster Poke Origin

Gamehubvn nhung dieu can biet ve bo 3 pokemon khoi dau cua sieu pham cuoi nam poke origin 0 - Emergenceingame

Poke Origin is currently one of the games with the theme Pokemon most interested in the gaming community today. Considered a blockbuster 2019, Poke Origin owns the original Nintendo graphics and gameplay, and the Pokemon system is considered the most complete and detailed. Therefore, right before the Alpha Test version will be officially released on October 31, one of the issues that many coaches are currently interested in is choosing Pokemon to start the game.

The Pokemon Trio Begins at Poke Origin

At the beginning of Poke Origin, trainers can choose for themselves Charmander, Squirtle and Bulbasour about 3 types of Fire, Water and Grass, respectively. These are all extremely famous Pokemon besides Pikachu that have been associated with the childhood of many gamers and although they are the starting Pokemon but have very formidable power that will be attached to the trainer throughout the game.

Charmander at Poke Origin

Hitokage, also known by the familiar name Charmander, is one of the most commonly used Pokemon by Satoshi. Charmander’s power lies in the flame at the tail, which represents their health as well as their mood. Poke Origin owns all the evolved versions of Charmander that trainers can upgrade including Lizardo, Lizardon and both Mega Lizardon X and Mega Lizardon Y.​


In stark contrast to Charmander’s offensive ability, the Squirtle tortoise is known for its extremely comprehensive defense. Especially when Mega evolution, Squirtle becomes Mega Blastoise with a large gun placed on its back that can fire powerful and accurate water bullets hundreds of meters.


Bulbasaur aka Fushigidane is a small and extremely loyal Pokemon. Bulbasaur can fast for many days thanks to the gourd on his back providing energy. This is also one of Satoshi’s main Pokemon in the anime version of the first seasons.


Have the trainers been able to choose their starting Pokemon yet? In addition, the event of early registration to receive a VIP code of 3 million VND for the Open Beta version at is still going on with registered phone numbers up to nearly 100,000 after only 3 days Registration is officially open and the event is only 2 days away. Please immediately invite your friends to register and prepare to fight the hottest Pokemon game in 2019.
Learn more about Poke Origin here:​​

Source link: Things to know about the starting Pokemon trio of the year-end blockbuster Poke Origin

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