The strongest weapon in Garena Free Fire

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Garena Free Fire is a survival shooter game, players can’t hit the enemy empty-handed or throw a blood bag in the face of the enemy to survive. Therefore, the weapon is the most important thing in the game if the player wants to win. Free Fire owns up to 30 different weapons from melee weapons to extremely diverse assault rifles. It’s hard to say which is the most powerful weapon in Free Fire, but the most perfect is definitely there. And in my opinion, it’s the Groza rifle.

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The strongest weapon in Garena Free Fire

The strongest weapon in Garena Free Fire

OTs-14 Groza (Russian: -14 «Гроза») is type assault rifle Compact Russian handheld, with gun-based design AKS-74U. It has an air-cooled system, selects the firing mode, uses a removable cartridge, pneumatic reloading with rotating barrel lock and bullpup design.. Using subsonic ammunition 9x39mm. It was developed in the early 1990s by TsKIB SOO in Tula, Russia and made in Tula Arms Plant. It is also known as OTs-14-4A, OTs-14 Groza and Groza-4. The OTs-14 had a derivative, the TKB-0239, also known as the Groza-1, and used the ammunition 7.62x39mm.

Vu when playing in garena free fire

In Garena Free Fire in particular and Battle Royale games in general, Groza has always been the favorite gun of every gamer not only because of its compact body, beautiful design, but also because of its power and efficiency in every game. situation. Possessing the perfect amount of damage in the AR gun group, Groza has high accuracy, the ability to control recoil easily. The gun has a moderate rate of fire suitable for use in both point-and-gun shooting situations without the need to switch to single-shot mode.

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This gun is also extremely effective for all three situations of close-range, medium-range and long-range gunfire. In the group of AR guns, Groza is the gun with the longest range on par with Sniper sniper rifles, the bullet drop range of this gun is also very far away to help players not have to align too much. If you add a Scope and a silencer, you will become a perfect lurking predator without fear of being detected by the enemy.

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The only downside to this gun is that it’s extremely scarce, as you’ll only find it in crates dropped from above. To own this gun, you will have to fight to death with many opponents. But with the perfection of this weapon, why are you willing to lose it to someone else. Do you want TOP 1? Do you want to change your life? Grab your backpack and go loot right away. In addition, if you want to win in Free Fire, you must also have specific tactics, please refer to the article Strategy in Garena Free Fire popular here to apply in your team.

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The strongest weapon in Garena Free Fire

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