The 95-year-old Marvel “boss” is still accused of sexually harassing female nurses

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Harassment and sexual abuse is currently a hot issue for the world in general and in Hollywood in particular. Female stars are often forced, harassed and sexually abused by their male colleagues or directors, producers… Recently, Hollywood stars also simultaneously wore black outfits on the red carpet. Golden Globe Awards ceremony, to show solidarity against this problem. At the same time, the victims who have been abused in the past have also gradually bravely stood up to denounce the depraved people who have harmed them. For example, actor TJ Miller – who plays Weasel in the movie Deadpool allegedly committed acts of physical and sexual violence against a female student Miller dated while he was in college. The wave of public indignation has not yet calmed down, but there is more shocking information: “Father” of superheroes. Marvelthe founder should Marvel ComicsStan Lee were accused by home-care nurses of sexually abusing them.


Stan Lee (born December 28, 1922), 95 years old this year, born Stanley Martin Lieber, is a writer, painter, editor, producer, presenter, actor and also concurrently the chairman of the board of directors of Marvel Comics. He is also the co-creator of famous manga characters such as Spiderman, Hulk, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Thor, X-men and a lot of other fantasy characters, creating a separate universe of superheroes in comics with a rich and complex character system. Lee has made a great contribution in bringing Marvel Comics From a small company to a huge multimedia corporation. Stan Lee’s wife is Joan Lee, a former model who passed away in mid-2017. He used to give many compliments to his wife in the press. As a person with a good image before, fans felt extremely surprised when Stan Lee was caught in this scandal.

Stan Lee and his late wife

Mr. Stan Lee went out with his nurse and personal assistant

According to information, Stan Lee often sexually harassed and even coerced and intimidated the female nurses taking care of his home to the point that they had to quit their jobs. However, the police have yet to receive any complaints. As for Stan Lee, his lawyer gave an interview to the newspaper Daily Mail, denying all these allegations. They believe that these are all slanderous words to insult and destroy Stan Lee’s reputation. The lawyer also confirmed that someone had asked Stan Lee to give money or else would announce it to the media. But these accusations are not true, it is only to intimidate, to extort money from the Marvel “boss”. Stan Lee’s side stated that they would not easily fall into the trap of slanderers and give money to anyone, because he did nothing wrong. The incident is still causing people to be confused and extremely hotly debated.


Source link: The 95-year-old Marvel “boss” is still accused of sexually harassing female nurses

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