Teamfight Tactics – TFT: Top 5 strongest lineups version 10.17 dtcl doi hinh manh 10.17 0 - Emergenceingame

1. Super Tech

When most of the formation meta in the previous version there is a tendency to be reducing power then Super Cong Nghe has started to return to the meta race in a strong way. Actually, this chess set was back in the previous version when chess pieces like Leona, Lucian, Vi, Vayne were all boosted when they got 3 stars. At the same time, items like Electric Knife, Fist of Justice, which are very strong equipment for Lucian in the mid-game, are also good. buffs significantly.

To version 10.17, Super Tech, although there was no noticeable change, but its auxiliary piece, Riven, was buffed quite a lot. It allows you to add Riven to your squad to form a 3 Swordsman team along with Fiora and Irelia. On the other hand, with the debut Golden Shovel galaxy Super Tech also affects a bit when we can turn Irelia into Secret Detective.


The standard lineup includes: Fiora, Lucian, Vayne, Vi, Irelia, Ekko, Ezreal, Riven (or Thresh).

2. Star Guardian

In version 10.17, the 3-star Neeko has 50 skill damage reduced, but in return at the beginning of the game, we will have a stronger Poppy with 35 magic resistance. This makes the Poppy – Leona duo a very strong front line in the early stages of the game, as a premise for you to accumulate gold. At the end of the game, Xerath, after Riot’s strong buff in this version, was also added to the team’s ranks to just hit 4. magician just aided Syndra’s damage if she was targeted too soon. You can add Jarvan from earlier to activate Guardian along with Neeko. On chest 9, we can add Lulu to activate Mysterious with Soraka to reduce the magic damage received.


The standard lineup includes: Neeko, Soraka, Poppy, Zoe, Ahri, Syndra, Xerath. Jarvan IV.

3. Mysterious Pioneer

Not only Poppy, Cassiopeia was also heavily buffed in version 10.17 when if she gets 3 stars, the damage she causes will be 3500. If in previous versions, you will usually only use 4 Vanguards. are Nautilus, Jayce, Mordekaiser and Wukong with 4 Mysteries in the bottom row, now you should replace Mordekaiser with Poppy, use Soraka as a springboard, get Janna in chest 9, then we can have 3 Star Guardian is much stronger.


The standard lineup includes: Poppy, Nautilus, Wukong, Jayce, Karma, Cassiopeia, Soraka, Lulu, Janna.

4. Mechanized formations

Sadly, Mech Giap is still being targeted at the moment so spamming it is still happening as usual. Teamfight Tactics – TFT. If you can finish Garen early and have a Cloak, it’s quite strong, but if you have a lot of your chess houses, you should switch to another formation.


Standard lineup: Annie, Rumble, Fizz, Viktor, Karma, Soraka, Shaco, Ziggs (or Gangplank).

5. Zed Swordsman

While Master Yi has been nerfed in recent versions, the chess player is starting to shift its main focus to another piece, Zed. This piece was originally strengthened at 10.16 when the amount of damage absorbed was buffed up quite a lot, but until the current version, with the appearance of the Golden Shovel galaxy, Zed really has a say. The right Zed is a stronger force than Yi and it is difficult to counter if the right set includes Angel Armor, Swordsman and Lien Thanh Cannon.


The standard lineup includes: Zed, Shen, YasuoMaster Yi, Irelia, Riven, Fizz.​

Source link: Teamfight Tactics – TFT: Top 5 strongest lineups version 10.17

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