Steam reveals the most “genuine” controller being trusted by gamers

GameHubVN Steam tiet lo tay cam nao dang duoc game thu su dung nhieu nhat20 - Emergenceingame

On PC, Steam naturally become the most popular and famous platform. All titles PC games The largest number of gamers at the moment are all on Steam. PUBG, Warframe, Monster Hunter World, GTA 5 or “homegrown” of Valve to be Dota 2 and CSGO, all choose Steam as the “forever martial arts” place. That’s why the numbers on this platform always accurately reflect the situation of the PC gaming industry.. and one of the most discussed aspects of Steam is that handle.


In fact, Steam supports almost every controller available on the market, from PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch.. even external brands like Razer, Logitech or “anonymous ships”. Based on that, recently Valve and Steam also officially announced which is gamepad on the most popular PC today.


This report said that on Steam, there are a total of 30 million gamers using the controller to experience the game, a not-so-small number for the mouse-keyboard territory. Specifically, 60% of gamers use Xbox controller One and Xbox 360 for PC gaming. Of which Xbox One accounted for 11.5 million and Xbox 360 accounted for 27.2 million. Next to it is PS4 controller with 12.2 million, reflecting the good interoperability between this controller and Steam. Previously, connecting PS4 to PC always required installing additional software from 3rd party, but now you just need to plug it directly into the computer and Steam will automatically recognize it. Besides the PS4, the PS3 controller is still widely used with 4.9 million gamers.


An interesting thing that this report reveals is that many gamers choose unexpected controllers to play games. Specifically, until now, there are still players using 4-button controllers, PS2 and even Gamecube to experience the game on PC. In fact, this is quite understandable when many games transferred from Console to PC are not optimized for control mechanisms, especially products from Japan. Therefore, using the handle provides a much more convenient and easy experience. For example, Yakuza 0 itself – the first game of the Yakuza series on PC, has also encouraged gamers to use the controller to bring out the best gameplay quality.


Source link: Steam reveals the most “genuine” controller being trusted by gamers

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