Stealing honeymoon money to buy a gaming PC, young people ignore their girlfriends

GamehubVN cuom tien trang mat mua pc gaming - Emergenceingame

Having a good PC to play games is a dream of many gamer But despite everything, regardless of the financial capabilities and feelings of those around them is another story. Sharing on Reddit, the girl was extremely disappointed with her fiancé – who had baked more than 185 million VND for their honeymoon to buy. PC gaming.


According to the girl’s story, her fiancé did not regret spending $8000 to buy a new PC to serve his gaming needs. Worth mentioning, this money is the two of them working hard to accumulate to prepare for the upcoming honeymoon.

In fact, before that, he had repeatedly begged his wife to let him buy a new PC but was denied. Not giving up, he kept persuading + complaining about this and in the end, somehow the girl accepted. Well, it’s over, but now she feels extremely regretful and even mad when she realizes that her fiancé not only buys a PC, but also burns money to buy a professional gaming table and chair – the Things also cost a lot of money.


He promised to earn all that money back while now he only knows how to play the game for fun, not streamer or what youtuber for cam. Since getting a new PC, he spends most of his time playing games without paying attention to anything, not even his fiancée.

“I was so beautifully ignored by him that I had to wonder if he still remembered a fiancée like me in existence. I feel like I’m no different from his servant because since 2 weeks ago, our only interaction was when he asked me to bring him food and water.”


In the end, the girl had to ask her parents to help advise him. After all that is caused, the young man in the story should really feel lucky that his wife is still by his side instead of letting him go. The game world is extremely attractive, but don’t forget your loved ones and yourself because of it, because in the end, family is the most important thing in life.​

Source link: Stealing honeymoon money to buy a gaming PC, young people ignore their girlfriends

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