Scary when Manga 38 years ago predicted about Corona Virus

GameHubVN Dang s khi Manga cach day 38 nam tung d doan ve Virus Corona 15 - Emergenceingame

Many fans Anime know the name Akira through the legendary animated film premiered in 1988. However, few people this movie was originally based on a series Manga same name released 6 years earlier, the premise for a whole monument later was born. However, in addition to the technical success of the Anime and Manga versions, Akira also startled people with its ability to predict the future.

The scene where Akira talks about the 2020 Olympics.

Accordingly, in Akira, “New Tokyo” is the venue for the 2020 Olympic Games. There in a scene of the film, viewers can see the slogan “Only 147 days until Tokyo Olympic 2020. With the efforts of Everyone, let’s make this a successful event.” However, that was not the only thing that Akira predicted correctly. In the Manga version, also through a notice board, one can see the words: “WHO criticizes New Tokyo city government for epidemic prevention”. This means that in the context of Akira’s 2020, Japan and Tokyo are facing an epidemic that makes WHO to speak out.

Inscription about WHO criticizing Tokyo in Akira.

In real life, according to the newspaper Japan Times, the Japanese government is also facing criticism for the prevention of the disease caused by the COVID-19 virus. However, that’s not the only thing Akira has predicted about the future since 1982 or, more precisely, our reality today. There Akira also describes large-scale protests where people use road signs as shields against the police.

Now let’s look at the picture between Hong Kong and Akira in the manga version:


In Akira’s scribbles, one can also see the appearance of words like “stop” or “cancel”, hinting at the postponement of the Olympic event in New Tokyo. In real life, although Japan has not said anything about this, they also had to cancel the birthday celebration for the Emperor on February 23. The 2020 Olympic event is scheduled to take place this July and with the current situation it is unknown what can happen.

Source link: Scary when Manga 38 years ago predicted about Corona Virus

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