Rules of the game Game Chess ZingPlay for newbies

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If you are looking for a new game that is both intellectual but has a bit of action, mixed with strategy, then Chien General ZingPlay is the number one choice for this requirement.

The game is first available in the Vietnamese market, combining the unique chess game and general card game. Not only the other gameplay, but the rules of the game of Chess ZingPlay are not like any other game we have ever known.

Heroes of War ZingPlay for Android

Rules of the game of Chess ZingPlay

In order to be able to win in any game, whether in reality or in the game, it is very important to know, understand and understand the rules of the game, if you love and are installing and playing War. General ZingPlay, this will be the part you cannot ignore.

Chess board interface ZingPlay
Chess board interface ZingPlay

Rules for troop movement when playing General ZingPlay:

  • When left-clicking on a flipped chess piece, the following cases exist:
    • Appears the green squaresThese are the cells you can move on
    • If within moving range, an opponent’s chess piece that you can attack will appear Two swords symbol
    • The brown boxes will be “forbidden box“, cannot move or attack.
  • The units are level 1-4-5-6, can only move 1 square / time, in 4 perpendicular directions.
  • Level 2 troops can move arbitrarily in any direction, but also only 1 square / time.
  • Level 3 pieces cannot move into empty spaces. It can only move when it finds its target, attack other troops (including face-down units).
  • On the chess board there will be 2 special cells, the chess pieces when moving into one of these two boxes can immediately move to the other square at a very far distance.
Can only move in 4 blue squares
Can only move in 4 blue squares

The types of pieces in the chess board ZingPlay:

  • On the board there will be 26 cards, representing 26 different general cards. These champions cards are all upside down.
  • 26 chess pieces are divided into 6 levels (from 1 to 6) the amount of health (or simply understood as attack power) differs according to each level.
    • The lowest health is 4 – level 1 – Weakest
    • The highest amount of health is 40 – level 6 – Strongest
  • At the same level but there may be chess pieces that have attack power (different health), for example:
    • Champion level 1: Attack power 4 or 5
    • Hero level 4: Attack power 11 or 12
  • Players can upgrade the strength of Heroes to evolve from level 1 to level 2 at the main interface of the game.
  • Only when the game starts, the game will automatically flip any 5 cards randomly, in any position.
  • There will be two types of pieces, green Blue and Red oranges– represents two factions (on your side and enemy).
Level of troops (Heroes) in General ZingPlay
Level of troops (Heroes) in General ZingPlay

Rules of attack while playing Chess ZingPlay:

  • The pieces are face down will can not move or attack other pieces.
  • Only the cards that are being turned over are may move and attack enemy troops.
  • Players will be able to play, flip cards in turn. Of course, because the pieces are face up, it is very normal for you or the opponent to “flip” each other a few pieces.
  • When turned over, the units of higher rank will attack and destroy the units of lower level, except for special cases (level 1 and 3), because:
    • Chess pieces of level 3 can attack all other pieces, at all levels
    • Level 3 chess pieces can attack all chess pieces that are still in a face down state
    • Only level 1 pieces can attack and destroy level 6 pieces
  • The chess pieces when turned, can only move or attack in the predefined directions corresponding to their level (usually within 1 square).
  • Double click on the face piece to flip it and left click on a flipped piece to operate.
  • Can move, attack the pieces lying on the teleport square as usual.
How to win troops in General ZingPlay on PC
How to win troops in General ZingPlay on PC

How to calculate points and subtract points in General ZingPlay

  • Each side will have a health bar, corresponding to 100 points. The two sides will play together until the defeat and subtract all the opponent’s score.
  • The score that the player subtracted will be the health (the smaller size) of the same card type.
  • The points deducted on the flipped and the face-down pieces are the same (equal to the number of points that are defeated).
  • If you attack, destroy a side that is face down and that piece is your color (your side) you will still be deducted as usual. Be very careful!
The side that finishes 100 points first will lose
The side that finishes 100 points first will lose

For example:

This is a level 5 chess piece, with 12 attack power (health). You will be deducted exactly these 12 points from the 100 base points if you attack and destroy this piece. However, it can:

  • Move in 4 straight, perpendicular directions, 1 square at a time.
  • Attack the lower and level pieces (levels 1-2-3-4-5).
  • Attack the flipped pieces.

Can not:

  • Move diagonally (like level 2 pieces).
  • Attack level 6 chess pieces.
  • Attack the uncovered units.
How to calculate points unless you get a troop in General ZingPlay
How to calculate points unless you get a troop in General ZingPlay

Illustration of the movement and attack of 6 types of troops in General ZingPlay:

Update: June 20, 2019

Source link: Rules of the game Game Chess ZingPlay for newbies

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