Riot will remove the Summoning Flag from the game

Riot will remove the Summoning Flag from the game
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This equipped balance is an impossibility.

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The era of the Summoning Flag has come to an end. The reason is not because of its meager stats, or because of the new counterplay. Simply because of complaints from players forced Riot to completely remove this item from all game modes since 8.13.

In a post on the Riot developer blog, gameplay lead Andrei “Meddler” van Roon said that balancing Summoner Flags is impossible.

“The Chess is an item that is always in a state of being: either a very bad pick, or once in the lead it turns out to be an unhealthy item for the game as a whole.”

After the Summoner’s Flag was removed from ARAM mode last week, Riot released a last-minute item nerf hotfix to keep the item in Summoner’s Rift. But that is not enough to change the minds of the player community. Chess is only really strong against a few specific champions, but those champions, like Singed, become ridiculously strong with this item. While Meddler did not rule out the possibility that the Command Flag might return, he also said that there is a lot of work to do if he wants to change the Summoning Flag.

Another equipment that will also have changes in update 8.13 is Guinsoo’s Rage Blade. The direction of the change has also not been determined for this item, but right now it is a powerful item that should be first for champions like Varus or Kog’Maw. Riot will review the characteristics of this first must-have item, how much AP it gives, and the exact price of this item.

Kindred will be among the remastered champions, champions that haven’t been trusted by many players for a long time. They will have a few changes as well as variations. Singed, the champion who is dominating in the top lane, can be nerfed.

The good news for bot lane players is that Riot is going to re-evaluate crit ADCs as well as the state of bot lane in general. There has been a lot of outcry from the player community about AD carry tweaks, as evidenced by some of the Challenger tier players bringing down gladiator or non-ADR champions to the bot lane.

But keep in mind that there will always be times when big changes will come. Bottom lane has the least meta history of champions compared to other lanes, mainly because the number of strong ADCs that can survive in the meta is limited. Sometimes having a few changes is also a good thing, Riot should start to split the changes evenly into each upcoming update.

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