New meta in League of Legends: Yasuo, Mordekaiser and bot lane Irelia

New meta in League of Legends: Yasuo, Mordekaiser and bot lane Irelia
meta moi trong lmht yasuo mordekaiser va irelia duong duoi - Emergenceingame

The recent nerfs for ADCs have left them virtually unemployed in the bot lane.

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Which pair of bot lane champions do you find the strangest in League of Legends lately? Yasuo vs Nautilus? Mordekaiser and Alistar? Or is it Irelia and Gragas bot lane and Rakan mid?

It’s not a Bronze V troll, but these playstyles appear in Master or even Challenger ranked matches, and even professional players in Korea use them. these pairs of generals – the area is considered the best in the world. The bot lane meta has been completely flipped, as the latest changes wiped ADC from bot lane.

So what happened?

Damage is everything

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In the 8.11 update, the ADCs were completely changed. These changes are even bigger than the Mage and jungle changes. At first, the changes focused mainly on new items such as the Wind God Sword and the revised Soul Scythe. The arrival of these new items, along with a nerf to the way crit items work, has sent strong laners to the top of the meta.

But then, players began to scrutinize the changes in stats. Almost all ADCs have their base damage reduced by 4. Instead, the bonus damage per level will be increased, so that by reaching level 18, the ADC will have more damage than before. It’s a pretty noble idea – making ADC’s power threshold take longer to hit, thereby giving the opportunity for other lanes to have an impact on the game. But this seems to have backfired badly.

The reduced damage has really drastically reduced ADC’s trade in lane. And once the ADC can’t trade, they will be like “fish on the cutting board”, waiting to be killed. That’s why Yasuo and Irelia are ridiculously strong – dealing tons of damage and having such good crowd control and approach that they can run back and instantly kill the ADC.

Gunners still deal more damage at high levels, but the problem is that that level will be hard to hit in dual lane where ADCs have to share experience with the Support. And champions like Yasuo or Vladimir now make good use of the power threshold when they have an item, so they can effectively snowball in the bot lane when facing the ADCs they need. two or more items of equipment to promote strength.

That’s why many ADCs don’t have a place to act like that.

Mobile gunner will survive

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The shift of the meta and the fact that ADCs have been left out makes a lot of players, even professional ADC players, nag. SKT AD carry Bang is practicing playing Yasuo while TSM Zven is lamenting the situation.

There are still a few ADCs who will have room to play. Rageblade ADCs are fine as they still gain power thresholds after completing their first item. Especially Kai’Sa is too strong because players have discovered that after finishing Rageblade, Kai’Sa’s kit allows her to go full AP: Nashor’s Fang and then go straight to the Witch’s Hat. This build gives her the ability to damage and slaughter gladiator champions.

Another thing is that Kai’Sa has a certain degree of mobility. And for now, that’s the key for those who want to play AD carry. Ezreal and Lucian are still the preferred picks because of their ability to trade moves in the early game and have the ability to be able to escape.

In addition, things are still difficult for the remaining ADCs. If you’re a fan of crit damage, don’t worry because Riot has a plan in patch 8.13 – coming around the end of June – to look at these champions. While Riot has shown an interest in champions in a variety of roles, it would be odd to see how weird duos play in the bot lane if they’re still relevant until Worlds.

Source link: New meta in League of Legends: Yasuo, Mordekaiser and bot lane Irelia

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