Ranking the character classes in Diablo Immortal most suitable for new players

Ranking the character classes in Diablo Immortal most suitable for new players

The character classes in Diablo Immortal all have their own strengths and new players can choose the most stable character classes to experience the game better.

At the present time Diablo Immortal There are 6 different character classes and depending on your preferences, gamers can choose a character class that best suits them. Of course, each character will have different strengths and weaknesses, but if you choose a strong character class, the player’s experience when participating in the game will change. Diablo Immortal would be much better.

diablo immortal character ranking

In today’s article Lagvn will rank the classes in Diablo Immortalincluding strengths and weaknesses so that gamers can think about choosing a class that is most suitable for them.

See also: Diablo Immortal: The fastest way to level up characters

*Note: This ranking is not made for the purpose of assuming that one class is better than another, but it is only for evaluating a character that can be more proficient than other classes. other.

Rank A – Barbarian

diablo immortal character ranking

This is an easy-to-play, easy-to-win character class, worth using when players are just starting to step into the world of Diablo Immortal. Barbarian owns the highest health in the game, along with attacks that are also extremely damaging.

Although it is a character class with a melee bias, but thanks to its defensive ability, the weakness of this character class is partly compensated. If you are a player who likes to rush into the battlefield and fight, then Barbarian is the character that you should play

Rank B – Crusader

diablo immortal character ranking

Crusader is a highly flexible character, relatively similar to Barbarians but with a strong focus on the ability to attack large areas (AOE) to destroy enemies.

Although the base health is not really as much as Barbarian, but if you are a strategic gamer, this character class will be extremely strong, helping to turn the tide of the game to your liking.

See also: Diablo Immortal: Gamers will spend at least 2.3 billion VND to upgrade the character to the maximum level

Rank C – Necromancer

diablo immortal character ranking

Many gamers love summoning the dead to fight and Necromancer is the character class for these gamers. Summoned corpses can both attack and even block for you.

However, the weakness of the Necromancer is that there must be a corpse around to be able to perform the summoning, so compared to Barbarians and Crusaders, this class of characters is somewhat inferior. Not to mention summoning also takes some time to cast skills. However, when you already have an army of undead, you just need to stand from afar and launch the move, how much damage will be left by the undead to help you.

Rank D – Monk

diablo immortal character ranking

Although not a weak character, Monk is more suitable for players who like to play in teams. The reason is that Monk has high mobility, but the skill damage is just enough, not really strong, while Monk’s ability to support teammates is extremely great.

Possessing a series of extremely powerful buffs, Monk can create conditions for teammates to overcome their limits, thereby overcoming difficult challenges in the game.

Monk also owns fairly good wide area attacks in terms of damage, but if you get to the second half of the game, where the monsters have a large amount of health and damage, it will be relatively difficult to play solo games with the game. player.

Rank E – Demon Hunter

diablo immortal character ranking

If talking about Demon Hunter, this is the class with the strongest and fastest distance damage in Diablo Immortal. However, the weakness of Demon Hunter is that the base health is so low that this character can die at any time, in case you carelessly let the monsters attack you.

Of course, if you are a person who likes to take risks, take risks for great rewards, then Demon Hunter will definitely be the character class for you. In addition, Demon Hunter is also the class with the highest single-target damage Diablo Immortal up to now

Rank F – Wizard

diablo immortal character ranking

Similar to Demon Hunter, Wizard can deal a huge amount of long-range damage, but instead of focusing on single-target damage like Demon Hunter, Wizard is strong at dealing wide area damage.

The disadvantage of this class is that players have to stand still to cast skills and this is completely inappropriate for new players. This also requires players to know how to choose their position when launching skills, otherwise being defeated is inevitable.

Source link: Ranking the character classes in Diablo Immortal most suitable for new players
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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