Overwatch: Learn Bapsiste’s skill set

Overwatch: Learn Bapsiste's skill set
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Blizzard has just announced Baptiste, the 30th hero of the Overwatch lineup. Baptiste is now playable on the Overwatch PTR server. Here are the skills of this character:

Main Weapon: Biotic Launcher

Baptiste’s Medic SMG fires three rounds at a time, controlling accuracy and recoil, and dealing steady damage.

The main weapon fires three rounds at a time, dealing 25 damage each. It has a 45-round magazine.

Secondary Weapon: Biotic Launcher

Baptiste’s Medic SMG transforms into a healing device, firing bullets that heal allies near the bullet’s impact.

Right-clicking with Baptiste will fire a biological grenade, healing allies in the area near the bullet’s impact. It heals for about 65 health each, and the magazine has 10 rounds. This ammo is separate from the main weapon, and a single reload will load both.

Skill 1: Regenerative Burst

Baptiste activates a regenerative burst to heal herself and nearby allies for a short time.

Regenerative burst heals for 150 health over 6 seconds. The healing effect also applies to nearby allies, but not the aura, so it will disappear if Baptistee moves to another location, but also won’t apply to new allies if the character moves near them. after activation. The skill has a cooldown of 15 seconds.

Skill 2: Immortality Field

Baptiste uses a device to create a barrier that prevents his teammates from dying. This device is subject to destruction.

Immortality Field shoots out a protective circle with a radius of about 8 meters. This round does not allow the health of allies standing inside to drop to 40 (it will raise their health to 40 if below 40 when entering this round). The device lasts 8 seconds before running out, and can be destroyed. This skill has a cooldown of 20 seconds.

Ultimate: Amplification Matrix

Baptiste creates a veil that doubles the damage and healing effects of allies through this veil.

The Amplification Matrix is ​​similar in size to Mei’s Ice Wall, and the placement is similar. It lasts about 8 seconds.

Passive: Exo Boots

By sitting down first, Baptiste can jump higher.

When Baptiste sits, he charges the jump bar allowing him to jump higher. If not jumping immediately, this bar will be held for two seconds before losing. The skill has no cooldown.

Source link: Overwatch: Learn Bapsiste’s skill set
– https://emergenceingames.com/

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