Newbee is the new king of ESL One Genting

Newbee is the new king of ESL One Genting

Newbee and Team Liquid met in the most important and most exciting match at ESL One Genting 2018. Both teams are in high form, outperforming all previous opponents, and completely deserved the position. TI7’s runner-up and champion. Contrary to the results at TI7, Newbee was the team to win the final after 5 tense and tight matches against Liquid.

First gameNewbee là tân vương của ESL One Genting 2 - Emergenceingame

Liquid decided to pick Treant Protector, this is a hero that will create difficulties for Newbee. However, the Chinese tycoons made reasonable adjustments and played confidently in the opening match. Guiding the opponent into teamfight, and then teamwipe, Newbee began to widen the gap. Then another teamwipe hit the Roshan area after Newbee’s patient and resilient performance. Perfect tackles, good positioning, and gentle coordination were the keys to Newbee’s first game success.

Second game

Newbee là tân vương của ESL One Genting 3 - Emergenceingame

Zeus was the final pick after Liquid picked Elder Titan, but it was Miracle’s Terroblade who was the MVP of the match. Newbee couldn’t keep up with Miracle, who rushed in unstoppably and was too aggressive for Newbee to hold back. Liqud won the second game to equalize.

The third game

Newbee là tân vương của ESL One Genting 4 - Emergenceingame

Liquid captured Newbee’s Naga Siren and then won the Invoker for Miracle- to secure a safe victory. The third game was a dramatic one between the two teams in the first 13 minutes, when the game was not tilted in either direction. Newbee began to rise up despite the classic handling phase from Invoker, Newbee remained calm. The Chinese superstars snuffed Invoker out early in the game and in key teamfights throughout the game, turning it into an easy win to take the lead.

Fourth gameNewbee là tân vương của ESL One Genting 5 - Emergenceingame

Liquid took the first blood in mid and continued to hold the pace of the game from there until the end of the game. Thanks to locking down Queen of Pain in mid, Newbee had trouble finding a foothold. With the kills from behind that gave Newbee the advantage in teamfight, the team hoped to get themselves back into the game, but that wasn’t enough. With active control from Team Liquid, Newbee couldn’t fight back even though Liquid made a small mistake in the late game from pushing too hard. Liquid then won and took the final to the final game of the tournament.

Fifth matchNewbee là tân vương của ESL One Genting 6 - Emergenceingame

Newbee started picking with Naga Siren in game five, the match that decided who would be the champion. Once the Draft is over, Newbee needs to dominate first in order to break the highround with this formation. Despite all of Liquid’s efforts, Newbee created a solid wall, preventing the European team from regaining any advantage or tempo of the game. About 23 minutes into the game, Liquid finally made a big break thanks to a teamfight phase and creating space for Tinker. Thanks to Newbee’s creative teamfights and perfect footwork, followed by a teamwipe at Roshan in the 33rd minute, Newbee gained momentum. The team dived straight into Liquid’s fountain.

ESL One Genting Awards and DCPs:

1st place: $160,000 + 200 DCP Newbee
2nd place: $80,000 + 120 DCP Team Liquid
3/4: $40,000 + 40 DCP Team Secret/ Evil Geniuses
5/6th place: $20,000 Vici Gaming/
7th/8th place: $8,000 VGJ. Thunder/ Natus Vincere
9-12th: $4,000 compLexity Gaming/ Fnatic/ TNC Pro Team/ Mineski
13-16th place: $2,000 Planet Dog/ SG e-sports/ PENTA Sports/ LGD Forever Young

Source link: Newbee is the new king of ESL One Genting

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